Guitar Hero Set to be Milked Even More

By Adam Riley 14.02.2009 3

Guitar Hero Set to be Milked Even More on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Just when you thought you might have had your fill of Guitar Hero, Activision Blizzard has revealed more franchise milking is on the way. Guitar Hero: World Tour has been selling so strongly on Wii and Guitar Hero: On Tour, plus its add-on pack 'Decades', stormed the DS charts, so it is no surprise the publisher is set to bring more to the table, striking whilst the iron is indeed scorching hot.

In its recent conference call, CEO Mike Griffith revealed three new Guitar Hero games will hit retail in the US before the middle of 2009. First up is Guitar Hero: Metallica in Q1 2009, then a new Nintendo DS-specific game, plus "a separate greatest hits compilation Guitar Hero game" that is due sometime in Q2 2009 (before June). This latter Guitar Hero Greatest Hits pack is to include "full band versions of some of the most popular songs from previous Guitar Hero games and will be made available for the 360, PS3 and Wii."

Is this overkill or do you welcome this Guitar Hero onslaught?

Box art for Guitar Hero: Metallica








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I personally dislike Guitar Hero/Rockband
[I can't play for my life's sake xD]
But my little brother is hardcore with them, so for him, let the milking continue!
And coming from a non-biased viewpoint, I think it's good for the series to be continued
It's not like one day music will stop being made
People are going to want to play new songs one day and then people still aren't satisfied with the old songs given and demand more classics

So milk it away Activision Blizzard!
None but those who can't play the game should have any real reason to complain.

I like the greatest hits idea. There are quite a few songs that I've wished I could play with the drum peripheral on the earlier games.

What I don't understand is why they don't simply release these songs as DLC as opposed to releasing an entirely new game. I could understand it with the Wii (as of yet unresolved storage issues), but certainly not with the PS3 or 360.

I don't like the term milking in cases like this. People love Guitar Hero and it sells. Activision would be stupid not to take advantage of the brand recognition. Technically, I guess it is milking, but it is also an informed business decision. That aside, I still believe it should be released as DLC.

These music games are all about the songs. For me personally the song list in GH III - Legends of Rock is far superior to World Tour and the feeling of playing, too (not that much strike-again-notes on already long played ones, far better activating of star power via easier raising of the guitar without acutually losing multiplyer because of non activation of Star Power, better songs).

And since Wii owners lack 2 great Guiter Heroes with great songs - Carry On Wayward Son, Free Bird and the all time classic I love Rock'n'Roll are cool. But Queen's Killer Queen is a blast. Covered, but great!

I amcrazy for Guitar Hero and for me it's all about the songs, so I'm getting Rock Band, too, I think.
Releasing track packs actually is okay for me. I am glad, that they think about a greatest hits pack. I hope they include all the good tracks - which is subject to discussion.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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