Capcom Wants More Wii Resident Evil

By Adam Riley 14.02.2009 7

Capcom Wants More Wii Resident Evil on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the hype train well and truly kicking into top gear for Resident Evil 5, Wii fans are still wondering what they will receive next. Japan may have had Wii ports of the GameCube's Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil's remake, with both selling between 50,000 and 100,000 units so far at their budget price, but the last title the West was treated to was The Umbrella Chronicles, with only an old rumour from last year stating the shooter spin-off would be given the sequel treatment at some point due to it crossing the million sales mark worldwide.

Now, though, one of Resident Evil 5's Producers, Masachika Kawata, has confirmed that the company does indeed want more Wii Resident Evil. In a video interview he is quoted as saying, "Personally, I would like to create something on Wii in the Resident Evil family." Due to him and his team being tied up on the fifth main entry for PS3 and Xbox 360, though, he has no idea what could be coming next, yet ended by saying "watch this space."

Would you like a Wii version of RE5, Umbrella Chronicles 2 or something new?

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I call RE6 being Wii exclusive.

And playable Ashley.

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spin off yes, 6 not a chance. i think to fast to soon, tho i do think 6 will be multi format

( Edited 14.02.2009 13:47 by MiiWiiKing )

5 isn't getting nearly such good press as 4 did.

I wouldnt be at all supprised if Re6 was Wii exclusive, but it wont be for some time. Probably towards the end of the Wiis lifespan. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
5 isn't getting nearly such good press as 4 did.

I wouldnt be at all supprised if Re6 was Wii exclusive, but it wont be for some time. Probably towards the end of the Wiis lifespan.

Agreed. 5 doesnt seem to have moved forward from 4 at all and i havent seen much in terms of advertsing (4 was advertised on Cube and Wii heavily).

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"Resident Evil 2 and 3 : Raccoon City Downfall" with graphics like in Rebirth and Zero. Please Capcom Smilie !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

With 5 kind of getting a shrug from consumers and video game media... I could see it still getting ported, Nintendo platforms MADE RE:4 the phenomenon it was/is. Perhaps it is just too soon for Capcom to call a mulligan.

SuperLink said:
I call RE6 being Wii exclusive.

And playable Ashley.

that would be awesome! RE5 looks great, but is much about graphics (it plays great, says the press), but Wii can't live up to that. I hope they can built RE 6 or so or a RE-oldstyle for Wii. That Wii can deliver!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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