The Onslaught Begins in Europe on WiiWare Today

By Adam Riley 13.02.2009 3

The Onslaught Begins in Europe on WiiWare Today on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Earlier C3 revealed the first video clips of Hudson's WiiWare exclusive First Person Shooter 'Onslaught'. Now Nintendo has confirmed this week's other releases as well as Hudson's intriguing new release, with Tomy's Pop-Up Pirate! slinking onto the download service, along with a batch of new Wii Pay and Play features for Nintendo-published Lonpos.

ONSLAUGHT (1,000 Wii Points)
Onslaught is a First Person Shooter that puts you in the middle of a futuristic war between humans and insectoid aliens. You become part of the Elite Interstellar Strike Force, fighting against an overwhelming onslaught of alien lifeforms. Enjoy the rush of mowing down wave after wave of aliens with machine guns, grenades, and more. Feel your heart pound as you battle gigantic boss aliens. As Onslaught includes modes that let you play with rivals from around the world using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Team up with up to 3 other people in Free Battle Mode. Or compete on special maps to see who can get the most points by killing enemies before time runs out in Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Ranking Battle Mode.

POP-UP PIRATE! (500 Wii Points)
Everyone can have endless fun jabbing at the barrel that holds their Captain captive in Pop-Up Pirate!, being careful not to harm the man himself! Players can enjoy the Pop-Up Party mode, or the rollicking one-player game in Pop-Up Logic mode. You must select a hole within the time limit and prod with your sword. If the hole is safe, the Captain will show you how many of the holes within that area are to be avoided. Use these hints to guide your jabs, staying away from the dangerous holes. For every successful sword jab, extra time will be added to the total time remaining. In this fun-packed party game, some unique Wii features add to the excitement - try swapping out the Captain and putting a Mii in the barrel for some real laughs!

LONPOS Downloadable Content (300 Wii Points per pack)
If you want to get even more out of LONPOS, the simple yet challenging puzzle game, you can now download a new collection of content packs. Each pack contains 25 new puzzles and also new backgrounds and visuals to spruce up the game. Simply select the download option within the game, to make your selection. New puzzle packs will be added in the coming weeks.

Do any of the above take your fancy? Share your thoughts on anything you download by posting below...

Box art for Onslaught





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (11 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Although they're not the worst looking games in the world. Downloadable games on the Wii just aren't worth the points to me anymore. Theres no challenges, leaderboards etc as there is with other online consoles.

Im_Neutral said:
Although they're not the worst looking games in the world. Downloadable games on the Wii just aren't worth the points to me anymore. Theres no challenges, leaderboards etc as there is with other online consoles.

Hudson's Snowboard Riot has online ranking and a leader board for both it's modes. You just gotta give it some time for more devs to start focusing on WiiWare Wifi(or atleast Hudson is). I hope the online is just as good with Onslaught though. I may purchase it when and if it's released in the US.

I am kinda sick of people whinging on about "other consoles have it." Did not everyone purchase a Wii specifically because it was not "other consoles"?

Last I checked, most of those features nurtured a caustic environment that most of the people with those "other consoles" are conversely whinging on about.

With that said, I am sure that at some point somebody will drop their silly pride and integrate all the features found on all consoles and press ahead as Leader of the Console Universe.

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