Crytek Console Plans Accelerated by Free Radical

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.02.2009 5

Crytek Console Plans Accelerated by Free Radical on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Crytek have confirmed plans to speedily step into the console market thanks to the experience from UK-based Free Radical.

The creators of PC shooter Crysis spoke to on their plans to venture into the world of home consoles by using the recently acquired Free Radical.

We always planned to enter the console market and it was part of our strategy even before the acquisition. This step will certainly bring us forward a bit faster to achieve our goal to develop high quality games on consoles.

We think Free Radical fits into our culture and strategy," added Yerli. "They have a proven track record in developing great games on consoles and PC. This combined with our own CryENGINE technology and a very experienced team is more than perfect for us.

Cevat Yerli, president and CEO of Crytek.

Free Radical had previously crafted the mighty fine TimeSplitters, Second Sight and more recently the mildly successful Haze. A next-generation instalment of TimeSplitters had been planned, but now put on hold with the studio's administration and now being redubbed Crytek UK. Yerli backed previous statements that TimeSplitters 4 is an issue being looked into, but Crytek have yet to decide/announce anything regarding the popular shooter.

With that in mind, fans should hopefully be seeing more Free Radical on consoles soon.

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i know they was clsoe to get it working on ps3 but i dont think this will come to wii

Probably not because of the weaker hardware... But maybe since the Wiimote's IR for FPS is sort of like keyboard and mouse they'd go for that?

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

I think they will press forward on Time Splitters but will scrap current assets to rebuild it using the Cry Engine.

Makes sense it would help.

I hope all the games get scrapped and are started again.

Free Radical had previously crafted the mighty fine TimeSplitters, Second Sight and more recently the total failure Haze.

There we go.

Back to seriousness, I think they will eventually get round to making TS4. I am also concerned whether or not it will see a Wii release. Bit of a stretch to say this, but maybe they'll actually go out of their way for a Wii version, like what Treyarch did with Call of Duty: World at Wii

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

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