The Conduit: No Local Play, Release Date

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.02.2009 27

The Conduit: No Local Play, Release Date on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest details for Wii-exclusive FPS have surfaced, including lack of local multiplayer and a release date.

According to Eric Nofsinger, Chief Creative Officer, there'll be a lack of spilt screen multiplayer, but still having strong online features. Apparently the team tried to enable multiplayer play using LAN, but Nintendo wouldn't have it. The game is currently penned for a June 9th 2009 US release, published by SEGA.

Nofsinger also confirmed Animales de La Muerte is still also alive, despite details being quiet recently. It's on hold for the moment, and is being planned for a retail release due to sizing constraints on Wiiware (notably for audio content).

Thanks to Nintendo World Report via NeoGAF.

Box art for The Conduit

High Voltage




First Person Shooter



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Smilie if they had it working why did Big N ask them to cut it out? :/

Animales de La Muerte i may had got as a wiiware but not retail

Nice to see a release date in place, hopefully won't see a delay.

Spiltscreen isn't a big issue thanks to the online play, but it would be been great to have a few people round and played through multiplayer this way.

A really bad move for Nintendo imo. Not sure why it would open up such bad things on WiiWare - that said it would need that LAN adapter and stupid complications to get it working from the consumer side.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Lack of splitscreen multiplayer = definitely count me out. I\'m fed up with the lack of offline multiplayer games these days, do you expect my brother to buy his own Wii or something? It\'s pathetic, online multiplayer is dull and soulless compared to playing in the same room with good friends.

EDIT: Keep in mind I wasn\'t too interested in it in the first place ^^;

( Edited 08.02.2009 10:54 by SuperLink )

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I don't get it, surely splitscreen multiplayer would be slightly more essential than online multiplayer? I mean, I don't like the fact that certain games on the 360 that my brother has aren't splitscreen (i.e GRID, PURE, the orange box, and Shadowrun) I mean, most of the time I like playing with friends and family rather than online. Also, it's not cateringfor the people that don't have an online connection with there Wii(in most cases no wireless broadband).

Still, hopefully this will have a solid single player mode and great online to make up for it.

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Wii is a family console. If High Voltage want to show that the Conduit is a Wii game and that they're not Nintendo fans with a game that'd work fine on a Thrix or PSTriple, they should try to show it.

If online gaming destroys offline gaming, I'm not gonna be happy at all. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

No biggie. Metroid Prime 3 didn't need Multiplayer of any kind to show how great a game it is, I doubt this'll need much either.

The game would look bad, the Wii would struggle at holding a decent framerate in split screen.

Superlink, you so clearly just haven't given online games a proper chance. I don't get how it is "dull and soulless". When I play online I have a great laugh and often when funny stuff happens we burst out laughing over voice chat. Split screen is so god damn dated. I feel very awkward trying to crowd around 1 screen nowadays, I like having my own. Not to mention you can play online whenever you want.

I hate voice chat though, it's like using a phone, which I also hate doing.

In person is just much more enjoyable for me. What's the point in inviting friends round at all afterall? You can't "hang out" over online multiplayer. It's just not the same, it never will be.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
I hate voice chat though, it's like using a phone, which I also hate doing.

In person is just much more enjoyable for me. What's the point in inviting friends round at all afterall? You can't "hang out" over online multiplayer. It's just not the same, it never will be.

I agree here, playing with mates in the same room is always more fun. But I thought there wouldn't be LAN, but still have multi player... meh guess I misunderstood it...

It would be pretty difficult to do splitscreen with the pointer, wouldn't it? So I'm not bothered. As long as it has online.

Whats up with Nintendo ruining features? It would be awesome to have LAN. N

I\'m generally really annoyed about Wii games not having LAN, especially as I\'m sure the Wii was advertised as being capable of wireless LAN the same as the DS before it was released. I was rather looking forward to LAN Mario Kart and Brawl.
No split screen multiplayer is silly too, Red Steel managed alright. Though I\'m not a fan of split-screen gaming OR online gaming. Smilie

( Edited 08.02.2009 14:13 by Ikana )

Apparently the team tried to enable multiplayer play using LAN, but Nintendo wouldn\'t have it.

, and is being planned for a retail release due to sizing constraints on Wiiware

Damn Nintendo D;

JB said:-
that said it would need that LAN adapter and stupid complications to get it working from the consumer side.
But since all Wii\'s have wireless connectivity couldn\'t you just connect the Wiis wirelessly without any need for addons?

( Edited 08.02.2009 15:09 by Simon_ )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

But since all Wii's have wireless connectivity couldn't you just connect the Wiis wirelessly without any need for addons?

Thats what I would have thought they could do, and the wii is so small it would b perfec for carying around to other peoples houses, oh well.

While It's annoying there is no split screen which means coop is out I am glad the conentrated on the online multiplayer, wii has tonnes of offline games it needs a few decent online ones.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

I'm wondering if its a question of;
a) Not if Nintendo "allows" it or not, but if they need to write the drivers themselfs and cant be bothered.

b) If Nintendo fears it will somehow open up a system vulnerability. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I'm losing confidence in Nintendo. They've been slipping quite a bit lately in terms of quality.

I'm scared with the only multi-player being online. Super Smash Bros. Brawl lags something awful for me. I can play Mario Kart and Guitar Hero on Wii online just fine, though (and I don't have problems with Xbox Live either, for what it's worth).

Plus online play without voice chat can get pretty lifeless. Any word if this will at least use the Wii mic that shipped with Animal Crossing? Side thought: has anyone tried that microphone? What are your thoughts compared to headsets like the ones used on Xbox?

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

TAG said:
Plus online play without voice chat can get pretty lifeless. Any word if this will at least use the Wii mic that shipped with Animal Crossing? Side thought: has anyone tried that microphone? What are your thoughts compared to headsets like the ones used on Xbox?

I think it's been confirmed that it is compatible Wii Speak.

Interesting. No splitscreen for The Conduit? Why not?!

I\'m a bit irritated that more and more games lack split screen support these days. Mainly with 360 & PS3 titles. And not too many of them allow you to LAN up either (of course who wants to lug those beasts around for a LAN party lol). So this is kinda bizarre for a Wii game.

And why did Ninty object to WLAN functionality. All Wii games don\'t have any WLAN support and the system\'s more than capable of it. *sigh*

( Edited 08.02.2009 20:36 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Darkflame said:
I\'m wondering if its a question of;
a) Not if Nintendo \"allows\" it or not, but if they need to write the drivers themselfs and cant be bothered.

b) If Nintendo fears it will somehow open up a system vulnerability.

They already had LAN play working with battalion wars 2 and even demoed it months before it came out, i think there just scared people will develope and use tunneling software instead of using there crappy online.

( Edited 08.02.2009 20:44 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

This was supposed to be released in February.Smilie

No splitscreen for The Conduit? ..... Yeah I don't care, this means nothing and any augment toward it is nitpicking.No one's forcing you to buy this game and if you want to play a violent game with friend, go play Overkill, you just can't please everybody.

I can deal with no split screen if the Online holds strong. I still play MoH:H2 because of it's online, but it seems now The Conduit's campaign is going to have to really kill to entice me to purchase another Wii FPS.
I think it sucks that Animales de La Muerte is being planned for retail. I hope they put alot more work and effort into it; I don't wanna get screwed into buying a "to short game" especially since it's suppose to be a WiiWare titleSmilie

I was really hoping animales de la muerte would be a Wiiware game, because it doesn't seem to be the type of game that would be on retail because of it's length, but then I guess it could be a budget game. I think 43Mb for a WiiWare game limit was a bit random, and probably only thought up when they made Dr.Mario Wiiware.

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Dr Mario WiiWare would be more like 4.3MB Smilie

I\'m skepetical it will do well at all in a retail release.

i think there just scared people will develope and use tunneling software instead of using there crappy online.

I really dought Nintendo cares about that.

( Edited 09.02.2009 01:17 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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OMG!!!! June 9th is my birthday!

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