New Metroid Project on the Boil?

By Adam Riley 06.02.2009 26

New Metroid Project on the Boil? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new update has appeared on the Japanese Metroid website that has led some to believe a new project could be on the way. According to a new button that has appeared on the main page, another side-story is on the horizon. The Japanese text featured on the button states "Follow Metroid Prime's history from the perspective of the Space Pirates." Could this be another spin-off from the main Metroid series, just as the Prime games were set between the happenings of the original Metroid and Metroid II? And if so, will it indeed be a new game or just an update to the web-based Metroid manga series?

Considering all of the other pictures on the main page are related to main entries on consoles, it could very well be something special. Could we finally see Metroid Dread appear on the DS? According to Mark Pacini, when he was still working at Retro Studios, he claimed the team's next project was not going to be Metroid-related, but perhaps things have changed.

What are your thoughts on this update? And could it merely be referring to the Play on Wii version of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes?

Box art for Metroid Prime 2: Echoes





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OOooooooh! Yay! Metroid Dread would be a pleasure, for some reason i can see something more Wii-Ware related over DS...although they would make more money out of a DS outing...hmmm

There's a huge opportunity for Nintendo to satisfy Metroid fans with Wii/DS/WiiWare - could go down the 2D classic route on WiiWare perhaps, or a side-on 2.5D outing on Wii.

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I'd rather have it as a DS/Wiiware game than an actual Wii would be overpriced and most likely would be seen as a lackluster effort. That is what puts me off getting games like Wario.

*gets excited* I would love either a DS game or a follow up from the prime series (envolving that blue sylux looking space ship)

I'd love to see another Metroid Prime on DS, but a one like the GC/Wii games not like 'hunters'. I thought M,P,Hunters worked so well and looked great. It just fell short a little in the gameplay department.

I'm up for a new DS game, Hunters was astonishingly good for so early in the systems life, but really there needs to be a follow up thats more meaty.

I'm not hung up on this whole hyperbole about dread.
I think people just like the word "dread" basicaly. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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"Follow Metroid Prime's history from the perspective of the Space Pirates."

So we play as a Space Pirate? Smilie

Is there any point since they lose? Smilie

Even though I loved MP1-3, I hope Retro Studios is working on something else.
A 2D DS Metroid would be great.

Canyarion said:
Even though I loved MP1-3, I hope Retro Studios is working on something else.
A 2D DS Metroid would be great.

Yh, They havent done a 2D metroid game since fusion and they are brilliant. The DS is good at keeping 2D alive, heres hoping!

I need a 2D Metroid more than you know, to rekindle my love for the series.

Follow Metroid Prime's history from the perspective of the Space Pirates.

Not sure if want. :/ More Ridley whoring? COULD IT BE!?!?

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I think it's a manga i don't think that Nintendo will make a game with "the other story" kind of view.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

The Metroid manga is already out.
I just hope this is new Metroid game is real, if it is then my reaction would be like this:Smilie

The thing is, the manga seems to be ongoing, and updates aren't entirely periodical or predictable.

I can definitely see a few chapters of the manga told from Space Pirate point of view.

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Darkflame said:
I'm up for a new DS game, Hunters was astonishingly good for so early in the systems life, but really there needs to be a follow up thats more meaty.

I'm not hung up on this whole hyperbole about dread.
I think people just like the word "dread" basicaly.

The reason people like the name is because they know that Metroid Dread was being developed as a 2D (or rumoured to be) adventure.

Furthermore the anticipation has been building since the Metroid Prime 3 scan that said project dread is nearing completion! (Whatever project dread may be)

Hoping for a 2D DS game. Smilie I'd much rather have DS than WiiWare, I prefer hard copies of my games.

I want a sequel to hunters (if hunters had more variety of levels and actually had decent bosses I think it would be godly Smilie ) and metroid 2.5D.

Here's hoping.Smilie

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Green Ranger said:
Furthermore the anticipation has been building since the Metroid Prime 3 scan that said project dread is nearing completion! (Whatever project dread may be)

Project Dread is an experiment the space pirates are working on that utilizes Metroids for use as weapons.

Dread has been nothing but rumours. There probably was a 2d metroid at some stage in developed, cancelled, started and cancel again given how long its been.

Anything that comes out now is unlikely to bare much resemblance to what it started as.

I want a sequel to hunters (if hunters had more variety of levels and actually had decent bosses I think it would be godly )

The bose's were a particular let down, but the controlls and multiplayer were sublime.

I think the direction to go for a sequal would be to mix in a multi-planet "mission-based" system.
Have Samus in her actual job-role; Bounty Hunter.
She collects rewards for completing missions, and that lets her buy certain upgrades which lets her get to new areas. (some upgrades would still be found, of course).
There could be ship-upgrades too, as well as also haveing the opertunity to buy new game music, concept art and other "bonus's".

This would make the gameplay more suitable for a handheld (segmented, easy to do a quick mission when on the go), but at the same time keeping it non-liner and full of exploration. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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"Follow Metroid Prime's history from the perspective of the Space Pirates."
ooh do want..

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Simon_ said:
I want a sequel to hunters (if hunters had more variety of levels and actually had decent bosses I think it would be godly Smilie

It would also need actual Metroids. Smilie

There was one or two in the demo but none in the actual game. Smilie

I'd prefer Metroid Dread. I want a sequel to Fusion. I think having boss fights over both screens would be drool-worthy.Smilie


The DS needs more quality FPS, let alone puzzle shotters.
(heck, the GBA had more FPS then the DS O_o).

There was one or two in the demo but none in the actual game.

I think the problem was the weakpoint of the controlls was the little button you pressed to go into/out of morphball.
If there was too many metroids that would get annoying.

The rest of the controlls were great though.
I think they should have just had a "Hold L, tap R" system to switch between modes.
(And hold R tap L to switch between guns). <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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The hunters demo is by far the best demo i have ever played...EVER!

Darkflame said:

Oh... god... >.<

Urge to kill, risen.

Hunters is and was a pathetic excuse to mainstream up the Metroid series by adding loads of new characters with wacko abilities Sonic style and having a multiplayer based title in a strictly solo orientated series. Sure the visuals were good, but that\'s all I\'m ever going to give Hunters, because it just doesn\'t deserve anything else.

Since Metroid Zero Mission was released, Metroid has been an incredibly \"meh\" series for me. Hunters is easily the only DS game I have the displeasure of owning; I like all my other DS games.

( Edited 07.02.2009 01:26 by SuperLink )

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for the love of god dont't encourage him any more, that was a very short rant, one more comment and he'll take up a page. SL you can resist the rant.

Hunters was fucking awful. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong, there\'s nothing more to it.

I think the direction to go for a sequal would be to mix in a multi-planet \"mission-based\" system.
Have Samus in her actual job-role; Bounty Hunter.
She collects rewards for completing missions, and that lets her buy certain upgrades which lets her get to new areas. (some upgrades would still be found, of course).
There could be ship-upgrades too, as well as also haveing the opertunity to buy new game music, concept art and other \"bonus\'s\".

You\'re joking right? Please never EVER get involved in game design. Talk about wanting to butcher a series.

( Edited 07.02.2009 05:15 by knighty )

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