Snowboard, Onslaught and Adventure Island from Hudson

By Shane Jury 05.02.2009 3

Snowboard, Onslaught and Adventure Island from Hudson on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Hudson continue their excellent Wiiware support with news of three titles due to hit European Wiiware in the next few months.

Snowboard Riot, a Snowboarding Online offering with a Weapons system akin to Mario Kart and optional Balance Board support, will be up for download later this month. Trailer below.

Newly announced, a new entry into the Adventure Island series, Adventure Island Wiiware, tasks players with gathering Gold Melons hidden in the stages, and playing mini-games with friends. The game doesn't follow Mega Man 9's example, instead offering updated visuals, more in line with games like Lostwinds. This game will be with us in April.

Onslaught is also a newly announced title, and is to be the first First-Person-Shooter on the Wiiware service. The story goes that you (and up to 3 friends in a co-op mode) have to provide backup support to a distant research colony on another planet. The game will offer pin-point precision only possible on a console with the Wii Remote, and a Wifi 4-player online mode. Onslaught will hit Wiiware next month.

Be sure to check out screens of Onslaught in the gallery below.

Thanks to Wiiware-world.

Box art for Onslaught





First Person Shooter



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I find those neon eyes in Onslaught so very wrong.

Four player online is great, but a Japanese
developer creating a online MP FPS does not sound like my kinda thing lol.

Adventure Island on the other hand sounds like a must buy for me.

( Edited 05.02.2009 08:30 by Linkyshinks )

Who knows, maybe a japanese influence on the fps genre will inject new stuff into the genre.

The concept of a fps with online multiplayer on wiiware is absolutely great. The neon eyes are secondary to gameplay in that respect though I know what you mean!

I must say I love bomberman on wiiware, but there's sooooo many menus to skip through in order to finally get to a point of playing. Maybe they'll fix that this time.

Lol, those screens look... interesting.

Adventure Island? Hurrah!Smilie

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