More Broken Sword Remakes & Beneath a Steel Sky 2?

By Adam Riley 02.02.2009 3

More Broken Sword Remakes & Beneath a Steel Sky 2? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Charles Cecil is a legend in the world of PC point-and-click adventures and he has now hinted that more Broken Sword remakes could be on the way, as well as a much-wanted sequel in the form of Beneath a Steel Sky 2. In a recent interview about the forthcoming Broken Sword: Director's Cut on both Wii and DS, Cecil spoke openly about various aspects on the remake of what many still claim to be the finest game in the point-and-click adventure genre. At the end of the chat, though, he also pointed out that there is a strong chance of the other Broken Sword games getting a similar treatment. In addition, with Cecil and the team at UK-based Revolution Software re-teaming with popular comic artist Dave Gibbons, who created visuals and backgrounds for Revolution's games, it looks like the long awaited and much talked about sequel to 1994's Beneath a Steel Sky could well be on the cards.

IGN UK: If this latest outing for Broken Sword is a success, how likely is it that we'll see Director's Cuts for the series sequels? Do you already have ideas floating around for expanded sequels?

Charles Cecil: The answer is yes to thoughts of potentially doing more Director's Cuts but, frankly, I haven't thought too hard about how they would be approached. When you write a game, there are so many elements that need to be balanced - and it is very easy to misjudge some of those elements. It's such a pleasure and a privilege to be able to re-visit the first Broken Sword game. It would be great to do the same with the others. But that's not to say that this is the future in its totality for the next few years. We are always thinking of new projects - and that is not to forget the approach from the movies studio to make a Broken Sword film which we are taking very seriously.

Beneath a Steel Sky (PC, 1994, Revolution Software)

IGN UK: Finally, now that Revolution has re-teamed with Dave Gibbons, how about that Beneath a Steel Sky sequel? Isn't it about time?

Charles Cecil: It is time - and lots of people ask the same question. A few years ago we released the original for free to be played using the Scumm VM emulator. Our thinking behind this was that no one could play the game without Scumm VM - and Scumm VM was free, so it only seemed fair to give it away. This was, in hindsight, a brilliant marketing initiative (I wish I could claim that we were strategic enough to have seen this at the time) because literally millions of people have played it in the past couple of years. And many of them have joined the clamour for a sequel. This Broken Sword Director's Cut will go a long way to proving the potential market for this type of adventure - if it is successful then we will certainly explore opportunities for a BASS sequel.

Would you be eager to see Broken Sword 2 remade after the first one? And what are your thoughts on Beneath a Steel Sky - is a remake a better idea to start with, or should the team just jump into a sequel?

Box art for Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars








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I'm in two minds about this stuff.
On one hand, I love quality point and clicks, and the more the better.

But, on the other hand, if a remake isnt substanial enough, I dont feel a physical release is justified. In many case's I think a WiiWare version might be more fitting. (assumeing the game can break into 50MB chunks). <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Holey monkeys wearing driver caps Batman™. Those old titles move (download) like hot cakes in "interpreter" circles. Smilie

Nice to see them emerging from the mists of time and getting the console/handheld treatment.

They may be small enough to release as Wiiware-titles.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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