DS Version of Mother 3 a Possibility

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.01.2009 11

DS Version of Mother 3 a Possibility on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Brownie Brown has discussed possibilities the future, including a possible DS Mother 3 and working on Wii.

According to Siliconera the ever-popular Mother 3 (Earthbound 2) may finally see an official English translation via a version for DS. Brownie Brown lent a hand in developing the GameBoy Advance title, alongside HAL, so a version for DS could be likely. Shinichi Kameoka noted that the project would be due to fans: "If we were asked to make one [a DS version of Mother 3], then we would definitely like for fans abroad to play the game."

Kameoka was also asked on working with Wii and Nintendo's download service, and for both the Tokyo developer is "optimistic about it and looking into it."

Would you embark on a journey with Lucas if Mother 3 were to make it to the West via DS?

Box art for Mother 3 (Earthbound 2)





Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Now people of C3, I want you all to remember why we hate Reggie so much.

*Mother 3*


( Edited 20.01.2009 23:48 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Reggie is a gimp. Disaster, anyone?

"Here's a core title for Wii."
"Don't want it, we'd rather have Ubisoft. Ubisoft. OH! THOSE BLOWJOBS WERE GOOD. Oh crap, I said the quiet part loud, and the loud part quiet."

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

10+ years in development to make the "best game ever" just for it to be cheaply remade on GBA and DS Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Would be awesome. I completed Earthbound a month or two ago. I have the ROM fan translation of Mother 3, though I\'ve yet to play it...would definitely wait for an official copy if it were on the way. Smilie

( Edited 20.01.2009 23:51 by Ikana )

A 3D Mother would be great, especially now how Nintendo have a lot more resources and experience with 3D.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

HELL YEAH! We need it here! *view my sig* *view my thing that's under my name!*

OMG that would be one of the most friggin awesome things to happen in a long time.

Earthbound 3 (Mother 4) for Wii?

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

After all these years since Earthbound, I think I am finally no longer really interested anymore. My hopes and dreams died with the 64DD. Smilie

I hope that this will come out on DS. Even if it is in Japanese, I will just import it from Ebay.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999
waffleman (guest) 19.02.2011#11

i love mother 3Smilie

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