Mario Power Tennis GC, Wii Comparisions

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.01.2009 11

Mario Power Tennis GC, Wii Comparisions on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mario Power Tennis has just served up in Japan once more, and players have made comparisons to the GC original.

The Play on Wii version of Camelot's Mario-themed tennis sim is direct copy of the GameCube edition, but with a few different ways of playing using the Wii-remote and Wii-remote with nunchuck. It looks to be bridging the gap between Wii Sports nuts and "real" Tennis games nicely..

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for Mario Power Tennis








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Hurrah! Finally a Wii game I might actually consider buying!

Wait a minute...

Anyway yeah, looks good. I'm just a bit confused as to why Nintendo are re-releasing the Gamecube version instead of making a new one for the Wii?

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

TheStratMan said:
Anyway yeah, looks good. I'm just a bit confused as to why Nintendo are re-releasing the Gamecube version instead of making a new one for the Wii?

I'm actually really worried that they'll use this as an excuse to not make a new Wii Mario Tennis game....

This world needs more Camelot games too...

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Id rather camalot did something other then sports games personaly... Smilie

Oh, and the reason why we are getting these cube games is probably because they can be ported quickly with small teams....its a way to get games out quickly while most of their big teams still are a year, or even 2 years from their next release. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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A level of extra depth created by a bad control scheme?, lol, who is this guy? The first and final controls schemes seem OK.

If you cannot turn off those lame power moves like they had in Mario Strikers Charged I would rather not play it. I would much rather have a solid normal Tennis game with Wii controls.

( Edited 16.01.2009 17:12 by Linkyshinks )

SuperLink said:
I'm actually really worried that they'll use this as an excuse to not make a new Wii Mario Tennis game....

But essentially it would be identical to this game. Graphically it would be pretty much the same, and the controls would be identical. They might add online support, but on their past record it probably wouldn't cut the mustard.

I'd argue that this is Wii Mario Tennis. I think it's much better they spend the development time really nailing the controls instead of arseing about creating new assets and an entire game from scratch. Especially if it's going to look last-gen anyway. Not that that's a bad thing, but if they're not going to add a decent online component then this kind of rerelease is right on the money.

Less posty, more gamey.

But it's the exact same game with different controls, it doesn't even have any new characters or stages or music, which is the exact reason I'm not buying Animal Crossing Wii...

If Nintendo get away with selling a game like this at almost full price and use it as an excuse to not make another proper Mario Tennis when Mario Power Tennis wasn't even that good, I will lose even more faith in Nintendo.

I can see Reggie now:
"Noi hardcore games? What about the Play on Wii range =D?"

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no, dart made a bloody good point.

What WOULD you want in a new tennis game anyway?

Online support is the only thing I can think of.

NewCharecters/Stages/Music isnt really anything to do with the gameplay...thats just a skin you wrap around it.
What exactly is this new mario-tennis game you actualy want :?

"If Nintendo get away with selling a game like this at almost full price "

Too pricy, maybe, but its not "almost full price". <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I missed this one on GC so I guess I'll give this one a whirl.

TheStratMan said:
Hurrah! Finally a Play on Wii game I might actually consider buying!

Wait a minute...

Anyway yeah, looks good. I\'m just a bit confused as to why Nintendo are re-releasing the Gamecube version instead of making a new one for the Wii?

Fixed Smilie . Is it only me, but I think it\'s genius what Nintendo are doing. They are making up for the money they lost on these games in the gamecube era. I think I\'ll be buying this (Missed it the first time round due to lack of money) here\'s hoping for the gamecube remake of metal gear too Smilie .

I\'d argue that this is Wii Mario Tennis. I think it\'s much better they spend the development time really nailing the controls instead of arseing about creating new assets and an entire game from scratch. Especially if it\'s going to look last-gen anyway. Not that that\'s a bad thing, but if they\'re not going to add a decent online component then this kind of rerelease is right on the money.

Fail! Thats like saying LOZ TP is Wii Zelda.

( Edited 18.01.2009 01:42 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

What I want in a new Mario Tennis game? More like Mario 64 and less like Power Tennis.

More characters, better music, and most important of all, connection to the inevitably awesome DS Mario Tennis game.

Because the GC version lacked that so much, and characters and stages were scrapped from it too. What a rush job.

And Sonic could be in it. =D

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Well there is only 1 thing that I noticed to be slightly different in the gameplay. In the wii version when they charge to hit the ball there's like a coloured glow around the racket XD they could of added in some more features. TBH they better make one for wii otherwise that would just be lame.

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