BBFC Rate GTA: Chinatown Wars an 18

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.01.2009 21

BBFC Rate GTA: Chinatown Wars an 18 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The BBFC has rated the DS GTA: Chinatown Wars with an 18 certificate, with strong language/drug references.

The game marks the first DS title to receive a rating that high, as the strong language and violent nature from the past games doesn't seem to have been toned down for the release. The listing also states there's 168 minutes worth of in-game cut scenes to watch through, giving hope for a meaty story in the tiny cartridge.

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Box art for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Rockstar Leeds







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I eagerly await the Daily Mail headline: 'Nintendo Toy in 18-rated game scandal'.

( Edited 20.01.2013 23:56 by Guest )

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Mr. T said:
I eagerly await the Daily Mail headline: 'Nintendo Toy in 18-rated game scandal'.

Oh, joy^^

I'm quite impressed, though; 168 minutes of cutscenes? o.o ..
And good to see an 18-rating actually. That means they didn't kiddy it up too much or changed it a whole lot just so it would appeal to what people see as the 'usual Nintendo-fan'^^

( Edited 20.01.2013 23:56 by Guest )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I think GTA's storyline is always really underrated. It's has some of the best writing and easily some of the best voice acting of any game.

( Edited 20.01.2013 23:56 by Guest )

Martin_ said:
I think GTA's storyline is always really underrated. It's has some of the best writing and easily some of the best voice acting of any game.

Ya, I agree - usually games of this type have super-cheesy acting (True Crime... urgh), but recent GTAs have had some pretty decent script.

( Edited 20.01.2013 23:56 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Can't wait. Smilie Thought it would turn out like GTA Advance but I'm really impressed with how much effort has been put into this game. Smilie

( Edited 27.10.2012 00:46 by Guest )

Hasn't every GTA game so far been an 18? No big surprises here.

( Edited 27.10.2012 00:46 by Guest )

jb said:
Ya, I agree - usually games of this type have super-cheesy acting (True Crime... urgh), but recent GTAs have had some pretty decent script.

I think ever since GTA III, the storyline/voice acting has been utterly top-notch. GTA IV is the best yet, in this regard.

The cheese. said:
Hasn't every GTA game so far been an 18? No big surprises here.

Ha, I thought that as well.

Im not surprised its an 18+ game

The cheese. said:
Hasn\'t every GTA game so far been an 18? No big surprises here.

Not true.

PEGI gave GTA: Advance a 16+ Rating, the lowest GTA rated game.

Some had thought it would be toned down in the UK because it\'s on the DS, but looks like we\'re getting the full game complete with 18 rating - so it does make this news relevant.

( Edited 11.01.2009 17:27 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Why would it have been toned down for the UK? As far as I'm aware, no GTA has ever had cuts made to it for the UK. In fact, the UK has never once, to my knowledge, been the reason why a PAL version of a game has been censored. It's usually Germany's fault.

Martin_ said:
Why would it have been toned down for the UK? As far as I'm aware, no GTA has ever had cuts made to it for the UK. In fact, the UK has never once, to my knowledge, been the reason why a PAL version of a game has been censored. It's usually Germany's fault.

Dont they replace the red blood with green?

Echoes221 said:
Martin_ said:
Why would it have been toned down for the UK? As far as I'm aware, no GTA has ever had cuts made to it for the UK. In fact, the UK has never once, to my knowledge, been the reason why a PAL version of a game has been censored. It's usually Germany's fault.

Dont they replace the red blood with green?

To be fair Germans do actually have green blood.

Great, now some mom will freak and try to get this banned somewhere:

"This game is too violent for my child, and because of that, it's too violent for all children."

god, the minds of some people. Smilie

Watch, it will happen.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Keven said:
Great, now some mom will freak and try to get this banned somewhere

Yeah that will happen etc, but then that always happens with every GTA, so no-one will pay any attention, or give a shit.

Keven said:
Great, now some mom will freak and try to get this banned somewhere:

\"This game is too violent for my child, and because of that, it\'s too violent for all children.\"

Lol if they say that about GTA then i know they will say that about MadWorld.

168 minutes of cut scenes seams a bit much for a 2 giga bit card

( Edited 11.01.2009 20:57 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

168 minutes of cutscenes is quite alot, and that is impressive, I wonder what style the cutscenes will take on.

Stulaw said:
168 minutes of cutscenes is quite alot, and that is impressive, I wonder what style the cutscenes will take on.

Remember, that figure is mostly/completely made up of the mission briefing and debriefing 'cut-scenes'. There won't be any swooping half-hour FMVs or anything of that sort. That's quite a standard amount of 'cut-scene' time for GTA, which is good considering this is just a little DS game.

Tales of Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days have a very impressive and constant amount of FMV. I don\'t think this is the kind of game to have FMV in it, so it hardly sounds to me like it\'s pushing the DS to it\'s limit. And yeah, Martin\'s probably right about \"cut-scenes\". I doubt that most of them will be much more than text at the bottom of the screen.

( Edited 12.01.2009 12:24 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The list says the BBFC were shown 2 hours of cutscenes, and 48 minutes worth of gameplay. Still, 2 hours of cutscenes is quite a lot for a DS, but will probably only be text at the bottom

Why would it have been toned down for the UK? As far as I'm aware, no GTA has ever had cuts made to it for the UK. In fact, the UK has never once, to my knowledge, been the reason why a PAL version of a game has been censored. It's usually Germany's fault.

And Australia sadly

I cant wait for this. FINALLY THERE IS A GTA FOR THE DS Smilie
love it!

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