A Witch's Tale Delayed, Atelier Annie DS to US?

By Adam Riley 20.12.2008

A Witch

RPGamer recently spoke with NIS America about plans for various titles, including two DS RPGs - A Witch's Tale and Atelier Annie. First up is the sad news that A Witch's Tale has been delayed to around Autumn time next year, probably during the Halloween period, since that ties in with the game's theme. However, the positive news is that the game has been changed to a straight-up RPG, as opposed to an Action RPG, in order to be more beneficial to the game's setting. "...the developer felt the world setting and story was better suited for an RPG that can be played for a long period of time, rather than a relatively short action game..."

Following on from this, a question was asked about Atelier Annie for DS, and the response was rather cryptic, although it seems likely a 2009 release is coming. "We will release a brand new series that has never made it to the States. Your mentioning of Annie is a sharp guess. We can't say officially that we're going to bring the game over, but please look forward to what we have to offer next year."

What else would you like to see from NIS America and Nippon Ichi on Nintendo formats in general?

Box art for A Witch's Tale

Nippon Ichi


NIS America


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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