Atlus Bringing Old School RPG to Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 19.12.2008 3

Atlus Bringing Old School RPG to Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Atlus USA has summoned all fans of classic, western-style first-person role playing games to experience The Dark Spire for Nintendo DS, an RPG of exploration and character development in the purest sense. Parties will be assembled, stats will be rolled, items, weapons and armour shall be equipped, and monsters will be slain. Some adventurers will choose to play using the "modern" interface, its bold, stylised textures and palettes delivering a fresh, up-to-date adventure. Others may opt for the "classic" mode, guaranteed to evoke overwhelming sensations of nostalgia as it perfectly recreates the style and simplicity of the fathers of the genre. Two different presentation modes, two different ways to experience The Dark Spire!

The powerful Archmage Tyrhung resides in a tower of mist and shadow. He holds in his possession a jewel of great worth and power. A group of adventurers assemble. Will they be able to conquer Tyrhung and his nefarious tower? The party sets out, its fate yet to be determined...

About The Dark Spire
The Forest of Mist...Wrapped in a perpetual, impenetrable fog… No one knows what lies within...Just beyond the edge of the woods lies an old castle. Numerous battle flags fly proudly above its gate as symbols of its Lord's power. It is here that King Kronus resides and rules his vast domain. During a celebration of the kingdom's most recent conquest, Archmage Tyrhung, a powerful magician and key to the kingdom's recent military success, stole a necklace of immeasurable value from round the Queen's neck and disappeared into the night. Guards rushed after him, only to see him transform into a ferocious creature: a dragon. Tyrhung flew off toward the Forest of Mist, scattering the fog with his powerful wings. And when the beacon atop the Dark Spire lit up, it was clear to all: the beast had chosen his new lair...The Dark Spire, once the domain of an ancient goblin civilisation, had found a new master. This is where your story begins...

Key Features

  • Homage to classic RPGs - Take back the age of the great classic RPGs where you build your perfect party from the ground up. Shrewd strategy is required to navigate tough dungeon floors with limited resources, earning experience by taking on 80 different enemies out to end you.
  • Dual dungeon modes - The traditional RPG experience is fully realized in Classic Mode, which offers a black-and-white wireframe dungeon environment reminiscent of the nostalgic PC RPGs. Switch back to Modern Mode to update to the full 3-D atmosphere of The Dark Spire.
  • A captivating story of mist and shadow - A second person narrative reaches out from the game to speak to you of codpieces and killer rabbits, enveloping the gamer in an unforgettable adventure that offers three possible endings.
Under its original title of Genmu no Tou to Tsurugi no Okite, the Success RPG only received a 4 / 6 / 6 / 6 to achieve a final review score of 22/40 from Famitsu magazine. However, hopefully by the time The Dark Spire hits the US on 10th March, 2009 for US$29.99 it will have been sufficiently tinkered with by the Atlus crew to help improve the experience.

Box art for The Dark Spire





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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Misplaced nostalgia here me thinks.
Theres nothing special with old Rpgs...dull repedative things, the lot of them.
(most new ones too...but at least newer ones have story, humour, and sometimes the odd puzzle) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

Darkflame said:
Misplaced nostalgia here me thinks.
Theres nothing special with old Rpgs...dull repedative things, the lot of them.
(most new ones too...but at least newer ones have story, humour, and sometimes the odd puzzle)

Yeah, I'm not 100% sold on this one...a new game but done in an old style Smilie Throw in the poor Famitsu review and I'll just wait and see.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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