Capcom Set for Wii during Q1 2009

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.12.2008 6

Capcom Set for Wii during Q1 2009 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's releases list publisher earlier this week missed out some Capcom titles; and the publisher has now confirmed 2 for Q1 09.

According to MTV Multiplayer, the US arm has confirmed that Dead Rising: Chop To You Drop and Moto GP will hit stores sometime in the first 3 months of 2009.

Those hoping for some portable action in the first quarter will have to wait until the leaves return to the trees.

Box art for Dead Rising: Chop Till you Drop








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hands up any one who get Dead Rising anyone no :/ lol oh well try harder capcom

i wont buy it cuz i played through the 360 version. i hear what people are saying but i have a sneaky feeling this will be ok. similar to how godfather was ok.

CHOP TO YOU DROP, it would only take one chop!!!

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

The Godfather was better than's one of the best implementations of motion controls available for the system. Smilie

I'll be getting Dead Rising for the Wii for certain, whilst you're not going to get hundreds of zombies on screen at the same time I'm pretty confident that there'll be enough zombies to make the game fun - after all, the Resident 4 engine had no problems with multiple zombies Smilie

i dont think so. Give use the proper zombie game resident evil!!!!

I don't get it capcom, the Wii RE:4 and UC sold 1m copies, showing that your franchise could do so well on the system. Why not give us a RE5 built ground up for the Wii. I just hope great visuals aren't an excuse to cover up a not so good game.

So many companies use graphics as an excuse to say they're game is good. Games today are so short because of insane graphics! :-x DMC4, COD4 &5, Crysis, etc are games that have insane graphics but so short. Crysis lasts longer than those other ones but it's just so generic... I wish devs could be more inventive about their games. Let's hope RE5 doesn't turn out to be the same, a friend of mine played it at the TGS and said it was a step down from RE4. I got worried.

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