Darkflame said:
Glad my parental unit decided to buy a Wii so I just have to pick this game up,
Sure, this game looks ok, but if you only just got a Wii, theres stuff to catch up on before you should consider this;
Mario Galaxy
Metroid Corruption
Zack & Wiki
And Okami
Should at the very least take priority!
Already had a Wii of my own, but sold it due to a lack of games to keep me interested (even Super Mario Galaxy got old pretty fast for me), but for some reason my parent+stepparent decided to buy a Wii again. Probably to do with my stepparents addiction to games and my soon to be addicted to games little brother^^
Only when I had it I didn\'t have the money to by some games I wanted, and ironically those were exactly the games you mentioned except for SMG.. So, yeah, I\'ll probably still be getting those games anyhow XD
EDIT: I just realised; How DARE you not include SBB on that list! Definitely one to pick up (I know I did as soon as I heard we were getting a Wii again) :3
( Edited 18.12.2008 14:18 by Faust D. Stroyer )