Dead Rising - New Wii Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.12.2008 11

Dead Rising - New Wii Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's time to beat up a whole horde of Zombies with Capcom's Wii port of Dead Rising. New gameplay footage inside.

The game is a port of the Xbox 360 action-fest of the same name, featuring a poor chap trapped in a gaping huge shopping complex with millions of zombies gagging for a slice of human flesh. He grabs anything to hand to fend off his new found friends. The Wii edition features stripped down visuals and waggle controls.

  • GameKyo
  • Box art for Dead Rising: Chop Till you Drop








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    It looks like GTA.

    Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

    looks SHIT

    In some of the pictures it looked alright, but in motion it looks quite pants next to the original version.

    It looks like a very elaborate RE4 mod... which would be cool if it was made by a bunch of people with too much time on their hands and it was free.

    ( Edited 14.12.2008 05:11 by Mario_0 )

    ^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

    Looks alright, it looked better than the last video I saw of it, maybe because it's brighter.

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    Hmm, the original was much cooler.
    i.e where you struck with a katana or war ake they would split in the place were you struck them. It wont be as fun without the mass numbers either. if you have an xbox, get that version.

    Yes this is pretty sad looking - I think the Wii can do better than this.

    Visuals remind me of GTA: Vice City..

    OuchSmilie Even the way the zombies react to getting hit reminds me of GTA: VC..


    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    Faust D. Stroyer said:
    OuchSmilie Even the way the zombies react to getting hit reminds me of GTA: VC..

    Haha yeah, the terrible animation.

    I thought it would at least look better, since it's running on the RE4 Wii engine...

    But what is the point in this game?

    .:Zelda Adventures:.
    u guys are DNA.

    Zephyr said:
    I thought it would at least look better, since it's running on the RE4 Wii engine...

    But what is the point in this game?

    Who did what in the where now? o.o

    Judging from the terrible animation and graphics I NEVER would have thought this was using the RE4 engine.
    Even in RE4 you had a load of those Ganados onscreen without any problems, and although in RE4 you mostly played in closed off environments, is a compromise this big really not just laziness?

    This fail is even more epic than Mario Kart Wiifail.Smilie

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

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