Sega Confirms US Release for World Destruction

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.12.2008 3

Sega Confirms US Release for World Destruction on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have confirmed that a localised World Destruction will be available in the US market towards the end of 2009.

Last week the game had been practically confirmed, though lacked official press. However, the publisher has confirmed today the Western title of "Sands of Destruction" for DS, following the unfortunate take of a young man with the key to global destruction.

We are very excited to bring this original RPG to the U.S. Our very talented team is eager to showcase the unique world and gameplay experience of Sands of Destruction and they firmly believe we have created an RPG world that can be enjoyed by everyone."

Yoichi Shimosato, producer of Sands of Destruction.

Sands of Destruction will be released in fall 2009, exclusively for Nintendo DS.

Box art for Sands of Destruction
Also known as

World Destruction: Michibikareshi Ishi






Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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a game that looks very good, lets hope that it does well.

The graphics are pretty yeah...but I have enough turn-based RPG's for my DS to be honest. I've yet to finish FF Tactics A2 and now I'm dealing with Fire Emblem as well.

The Japanese version's quite fun, but I'm very interested in what they do to 're-balance' it for the US release. The soundtrack's being re-worked by Mitsuda-san as well, which is fantastic news!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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