More Details on GTA for Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 08.12.2008 21

More Details on GTA for Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rockstar's Gordon Hall recently spoke with 1UP about the company's Nintendo DS edition of Grand Theft Auto, revealing many more details about the intriguing project. Whilst many believe the game is simply using an isometric camera viewpoint, Hall points out that:

Actually, the game isn't really isometric; it's true 3D through and through. What we've done is place the camera pretty high up during most of the gameplay. There are many reasons for this -- some visual so you get a sense of movement and scale, some regarding the technicalities of the hardware and how many polygons the DS can display -- but the main reason for this decision is one of gameplay. Right from the very start, we decided to make the game as fun as possible for the platform, even if that meant it lent more toward an arcadey experience, as we all agreed this would work best on a DS. With this type of hardware, we felt it was important that the player had a good view of the action at all times.

As for the cel-shading aspect of the game's graphics, Hall revealed it was done to help give the game is own art style, taking advantage of what the system has to offer in comparison to other, more powerful platforms, "This cel-shaded look is just one example of this happening. Another is the graphic-novel approach we took with the animated 2D cut-scenes. They're very GTA, yet feel almost Japanese in their style."

The game has been in development for two years now and has been worked on by a big team, with it actually being the biggest game Rockstar Leeds has done so far. As for "how it compares to the other games we've done -- in a way, this game's development cycle has been similar to Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories in that we, at Rockstar Leeds, set out to really push ourselves, and the studio was given all the tools and support we needed to do the job by the rest of the company." He then points out that the main difference between those PSP games and this DS one is in the scale of the DS project, since it is more than 900,000 lines of hand-optimised code, set in a huge city. Great attention-to-detail has been given, with "street clutter and the ability to inflict damage to vehicles, through to the littlest directorial edits" being added meticulously in, with Hall believing it is actually the best game he has ever worked on.

In terms of the control system, the touch-screen is used "extensively" during Chinatown Wars. As Hall says,

During normal gameplay, the bottom screen controls your PDA. This gives you access to your GPS navigation system, which is nicely linked in to all your contacts and favourite locations around the city. Another key item on the touch screen is your e-mail system. Most of the contacts in the game will deal with you via e-mail in some way. Just two more examples of PDA use are monitoring your drugs empire or ordering weapons from Ammunation Online and having them delivered to one of your safe houses. The list goes on; it's a very integral part of the game.

Outside of the PDA, you also use the touch screen to fill in those little details left out of most console games. You may find yourself in a minigame hotwiring a car or breaking into a warehouse by disabling a key-code lock. We also use the touch screen for more everyday events like buying and using [lottery] scratchcards. Everywhere it felt right to use the touch screen, we've done so.

To read more, be sure to check out the full interview.

Box art for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Rockstar Leeds







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so will this game be better suited for the DS or the DSi? or will it matter?

Is it going to be about drugs and stuff again?

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

well it is GTA... but who knows? GTA 4 was just random and boring, little to do with anything. as long as this has some scottish humour like gta3/vice city it will be worth it.

Overhead isnt isometric anyway. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Never really been a fan of the GTA franchise. Running a drug empire isn't really something up my alley either...BUT it is atleast nice to see a developer pouring so much work into a DS project.

just went to google for some images ... and this game looks really bad. 2 years? seriously rockstar you could have made one for the wii in that time. and that includes building a new engine and giving it the polish of titles like scarface. if they dont announce some kind of support for the wii (not including a table tennis game) then i wont even try this game, saving myself £30 in the process.Smilie

I think it looks good and I want it. Smilie

h said:
just went to google for some images ... and this game looks really bad. 2 years? seriously rockstar you could have made one for the wii in that time. and that includes building a new engine and giving it the polish of titles like scarface. if they dont announce some kind of support for the wii (not including a table tennis game) then i wont even try this game, saving myself £30 in the process.Smilie

Graphics aren't necessarily the only indicator of effort. If these guys are to be believed, there's apparently a TON of stuff going on in the background. Creating a living, breathing world takes a lot of effort. You can't just dismiss their game because it doesn't have mind blowing graphics. If visuals are that important to you, you own the wrong console.

Second of all, perhaps we'll see a Wii GTA after the DS game. Rockstar has to make money, and at the moment they deem the DS to be a more viable platform.

I am not too into it because the game itself isn't really something I like all that much. But dismissing it and being mad they aren't making a Wii game simply because it does not feature mind-blowing graphics is a bit shallow imo.

The game looks really cool, like the first two GTA's on the PlayStation, except with 3D characters and cars. I wonder if there'll be over the shoulder/third person view parts in some missions, since he says most of it is over the top, not all of it.

I do hope this paves the way for a Wii version, but then it'll probably be San Andreas stories or Liberty City stories 2.

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sounds rad.
hope it doesnt fail

Hehe, sucks that you guys have to make do with a crappy portable GTA Smilie

I sometimes start to believe that all this hype and praise for GTA is not due to the quality of the game but rather because it's percieved as cool. People act as if its the only or first open ended game. GTAIV is the only one I thought was AAA, but by no means worthy of a score above 9.5 like many sites have been giving it.

Martin_ said:
Hehe, sucks that you guys have to make do with a crappy portable GTA Smilie

And ofcourse you have played so much of this game that you say this with proper arguments and a strong basis.

I've seen some creens, and if they're real this game really doesn't look bad. I'm definitely checking it out, even though I'm not too much of a GTA-fan.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
Guest 09.12.2008#14

Yeah I agree Faust, that was a really dumb trolling attempt.

I wasn't trolling. It's a DS game, and thus will be a really pants watered-down N64-like attempt of a 3D open-ended GTA. It will be a pale shadow of even the old PS2 ones, let alone GTAIV. I might be alright for a 5 minute blast on the bus, but ultimately it's just a DS game.

Guest 09.12.2008#16

It's pretty hard not to see

Hehe, sucks that you guys have to make do with a crappy portable GTA Smilie

as a trolling attempt.

Anyway, of course the game has to be done very differently from the recent GTAs, but I don't think it will turn out really crappy. You shouldn't expect the same stuff from GTAIV, but it can still turn out pretty great, just very different.

Meh, it's pretty useless discussing this anyway since there hasn't been any footage released yet.

Laughing at you lot and thinking/saying something sucks is not trolling. I think you want to see it as trolling so that my comment becomes mere "trolling" and becomes something not to pay any attention. I laughed and said it sucks because the DS is sub-N64 hardware. Ignore GTAIV entirely, this won't even be anywhere near as good as GTAIII on PS2, from 2001. Even the PSP GTAs can't match the PS2 games. The DS GTA can't hope to be anything better than a five minute distraction.

The last time Rockstar North tried anything open-ended and entirely 3D and polygonal on this sort of hardware, they ended up with this:


Lets bare in mind that the N64 is more powerful than the DS (Perfect Dark and Majora's Mask prove this, among others). I'm not trolling, I'm just saying how much the DS GTA is obviously going to suck compared to even GTAIII, and how it's funny that you guys are getting hyped up for what is obviously a compelte cop-out. Rockstar should be giving you something on Wii, not this crap for your DS.

Oni - they aren\'t trying to emulate GTA graphically:

Image for

Image for

Yes, if they were trying to emulate a typical GTA graphical style, it would probably fail hard simply because the DS can not handle that. That\'s why they are taking a different route with it. They say they are creating a world that is every bit as big and dynamic (people going to work etc), just presented from a view point that isn\'t as hardware intensive.

Don\'t dismiss it just because it is a handheld game. And don\'t dismiss a game when you haven\'t even played it - especially when talented developers are behind it.

( Edited 10.12.2008 02:33 by Jacob4000 )

Jacob4000 said:
Oni - they aren't trying to emulate GTA graphically:

Image for

Image for

Yes, if they were trying to emulate a typical GTA graphical style, it would probably fail hard simply because the DS can not handle that. That's why they are taking a different route with it. They say they are creating a world that is every bit as big and dynamic (people going to work etc), just presented from a view point that isn't as hardware intensive.

Don't dismiss it just because it is a handheld game. And don't dismiss a game when you haven't even played it - especially when talented developers are behind it.

Oh shucks, how did you know I was behind this game? ^^;

Anywho, this looks nice, I wish they'd have a winter function, then I could totally rob banks or do whatever it is teenagers do with GTA

Look up codes and then get a nifty little sex scene =3

The name's Martin, if you don't mind. I cannot seeing this amounting to anything more than a poor man's GTA. They should have done something on Wii instead. Yes I'm dismissing it on the grounds that it's on pathetic portable hardware- the PSP ones weren't even as good as GTAIII, so this DS game has no hope. Be wowed initially by the nifty cel-shading, and then be overcome by the realisation that it's incredibly watered-down from even really old GTAs.

Whereas a Wii GTA could have been good. Oh well, have fun playing this piece of crap.

The name's Martin, if you don't mind.

You'll always be Oni in my heart. Smilie

They should have done something on Wii instead.

We all wish they would have made this on Wii. But that doesn't inherently guarantee this will be crap.

Yes I'm dismissing it on the grounds that it's on pathetic portable hardware- the PSP ones weren't even as good as GTAIII, so this DS game has no hope.

So it can't be good because the PSP ones aren't good? Maybe this is just the DS fan talking here, but most of the DSes high calibre games are better than the PSP's -- worse graphics and all. You don't need overwhelming power to make a good game.

I'm atleast inclined to give this a chance. No, it won't feature HD graphics and the havoc engine or whatever. But that doesn't mean it can't be a good game. Mario Kart DS is the best one that they've created, and the Advance Wars games are some of the best strategy titles you'll find on any console. Just because something doesn't have cutting edge graphics does not mean it will be a crap game.

Yes, it is a little different because GTA 4 relied so much on tech, but considering how much work they are putting into the title, it has a very good chance of being good. Keep in mind, they said that if it wasn't working out, they would have pulled the plug.

At the least, I'll reiterate, I will not write it off until I actually play it or see some reviews. Most hand-ons to this point have been very positive, anyhow.

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