Rumour: Dragon Quest IX Wii Bound?

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.12.2008 8

Rumour: Dragon Quest IX Wii Bound? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumours suggest that the Dragon Quest IX may be heading to the Wii, as a DS port.

The RPG giant has taken a risk by bringing one its most popular franchises exclusively to the DS, and with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time doing the Wii to DS thing, it seems Dragon Quest IX could receive similar treatment.

Echoes of Time lets players to link-up their systems and play the same game wirelessly, and a port in a similar way could be an option - quick, simple and will have been tried and tested with Crystal Chronicles.

Dragon Quest IX is due out in March 2009.

Box art for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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Would make sense since S-E now has a specific engine to port between DS and Wii easily...I know I'd probably opt for the DS edition as I prefer gaming on the go nowadays, but many will prefer playing on the big screen.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Oh god... please don't be lazy with the Wii S-E... at least remake it properly...

They love the DS too much for their own good!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That would be a good idea, but I think it's pretty lazy to just port from the DS to the Wii. If they release a Wiiware in a stylish 2D version, that would be a 1st day purchase!

You can do better than this SE, fair enough if it was a last minute idea, but take your time and make it good, make it a more complete game on the Wii in 2D.

jesusraz said:
Would make sense since S-E now has a specific engine to port between DS and Wii easily...I know I'd probably opt for the DS edition as I prefer gaming on the go nowadays, but many will prefer playing on the big screen.

Yeah, I'm MUCH more of a handheld gamer since the DS came out.

Andrezao said:
That would be a good idea, but I think it's pretty lazy to just port from the DS to the Wii. If they release a Wiiware in a stylish 2D version, that would be a 1st day purchase!

You can do better than this SE, fair enough if it was a last minute idea, but take your time and make it good, make it a more complete game on the Wii in 2D.

I agree. I hope this does not become a constant thing. The Wii deserves more of an effort then a cheap DS port.


Wouldn't surprise me anyway. It's exactly the sort of trick Nomura-Enix would pull to say they've appeased Wii owners.

D_prOdigy said:
Wouldn't surprise me anyway. It's exactly the sort of trick Nomura-Enix would pull to say they've appeased Wii owners.

Nomura doesn't hate the Wii any more than he hates the DS. Or anything else that's non-Sony. >>

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Oh dear god Squenix better not be doing this all the time now and stop developing ACTUAL Wii games.

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