Nintendo Bringing Book Collection DS to Europe

By Shane Jury 30.11.2008 16

Nintendo Bringing Book Collection DS to Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The previously-rumoured DS Novel title from Nintendo has now been given a new title, and a release date for Boxing day of this year in Europe.

Retitled 100 Classic Book Collection, the cartridge will live up to its name by offering DS owners 100 timeless novels from authors such as Dickens, Austen, Shakespeare and Bronte. There will be a bookmark feature and a search tool for those with time and taste restrictions.

Explained in more detail at Nintendo Europe's site, the DS would be held as you'd expect, in a book-like manner with the stylus free to turn pages. There will also be Author Mini-Biographies, and Wi-Fi Connection support to receive further books.

The full list of books that will be available have been revealed on Amazon's pre-order page, they are as follows;

100 Classic Book Collection will slightly miss the Christmas rush, and be released at a approximate price-point of £19.99 on Boxing Day.

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Well I've liked quite a lot of the "non games" that Nintendo have released...but this ones a definite "no thank you" for me...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

This would be a great tool for Colleges if they let you doodle on the pages; quite a few of those books were in my AS English classes. Smilie

I'm actually a quite tempted by that. Bet it'll be dirt cheap before long. Smilie

Ikana said:
I'm actually a quite tempted by that. Bet it'll be dirt cheap before long. Smilie
You like your Charles Dickens and Shakespeare?

I've not read a book since my English GCSE Smilie
Though I would like to get back to reading some sometime, it won't be anything from that list.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

oooooh.. I'm willing to buy this, really I am, those are some good books.

Holy shit that is awesome!

is that bookworm in the game or did u guy just google for it lol

Wow! I LOVE to read, so I may find myself getting this, if it comes to the US. I figured they would make something like this at some point, but I did not think they would be so generous with the size and selection!

Would love this!
My English teacher is making us read Julius Caesar
[Though I can't understand a word!]
I absolutely hate the literature we have, it's large and we need it everyday, along with 5 other similarly sized books.
Having it in DS form would be great for when I need it in other classes or I forget my book!

So public domain?

Jack London- The Call of the Wild
Jack London- White Fang

I love those!!!

And E. A. Poe is great too. But, English isn't my first language, and, even if it was, there's no way I'm buying this. I so much prefer to have a book in my hands.

Ah! The Classics! This may be a good way for some people to avoid paying overpriced fees to buy books necessary for certain English classes...Or a substitute to book pirating...

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Thts pretty cool, if only it would be a book reader and we would pay for each book to download, but 20 euros for this shit is nice.

Jump_button said:
is that bookworm in the game or did u guy just google for it lol

Gotta love google. Smilie

Took me a while to decide on that picture; if my Photoshop skills were up to scratch I'd have replaced that Book with a DS Lite. Smilie

Wow, that\'s pretty cool. I\'ve read Pride and Prejudice (my [ex] girlfriend encouraged me, I loved it!) and I have all the Shakespeare works (it\'s amazing what you can buy for 3 euro).

iCAME said:
So public domain?
Yep, no more copy-right on them. All books are (probably) older than 100 years. So it didn\'t cost Nintendo a thing to put them on cartridge!
PK Mongoose *RIP Dalton* said:
Or a substitute to book pirating...
You can\'t pirate those books. Smilie
You can only pirate certain editions of the book, but not the story itself. So go download. Smilie

Do you think it reads better if you turn off the frontlight of the DS screen? I thought the light might hurt your eyes like a monitor does, but maybe frontlight doesn\'t have tha problem.

( Edited 01.12.2008 09:30 by Canyarion )

To be honest, I reckon this deserves to do better than Cooking Guide...I'm certainly looking forward to it! I wonder how different the line-up of books in the Japanese version was?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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