Chrono Trigger - February in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.11.2008 12

Chrono Trigger - February in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square-Enix sources have revealed a February release date for Chrono Trigger DS.

According to Eurogamer, the game has been set for a release in a couple months in Europe. It's taken Japan and the US by storm throughout November.

The DS version, though a port of the original, combines the FMV sequences of the PlayStation port with a handful of extras - battle mode, alternate ending and new dungeons.

Box art for Chrono Trigger

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Well I've never been able to play this game, despite hearing it's one of the best games on the SNES. So glad to hear this news that it's coming to Europe.

I'm sure I'll pick it up in good time.

Azzy said:
Well I've never been able to play this game, despite hearing it's one of the best games on the SNES. So glad to hear this news that it's coming to Europe.

I'm sure I'll pick it up in good time.


One of the best RPGs of all time. Period!

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jb said:
Azzy said:
Well I've never been able to play this game, despite hearing it's one of the best games on the SNES. So glad to hear this news that it's coming to Europe.

I'm sure I'll pick it up in good time.


One of the best RPGs of all time. Period!

Haha. I take your word for it mate. My birthday's in February. Perhaps I'll treat myself to a nice prezzie.

February it is then. Gotta see if this game matches its legendary status for myself. Smilie

I'm sure i'll have a job by then, and I'll have money ledt over from christmas if I don't.

I'm glad it's coming out sooner rather than later.

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i might get it

I'll definitely get this at some point, as I have not played it. But I am not going to pay the ridiculous price Square is charging. It should have been released at $20 instead of $40. Paying the same price for a port as a full blown remake like FFIV is a tad ridiculous. I'll wait until it drops a bit.

still cant help but to want that 3d remake lol

Wow closer than expected Smilie been looking forward to this ever since it was announced Smilie

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Jump_button said:
still cant help but to want that 3d remake lol

Definitely - that would be sheer epic Smilie Guess they\'ll see how the 2D port goes before considering a remake.

Falcon Armour X said:
Wow closer than expected Smilie been looking forward to this ever since it was announced Smilie

Ya, good to see the gap between US and Europe closing - usually would have been something like June or July!

( Edited 01.12.2008 10:14 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I was expecting later than this! I sure hope they do it with Kingdom Hearts too... I can't wait too long for that!

I think I might wait for the EU release rather than finding a way to import it. Long too long a wait!

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Phoenixus said:
February it is then. Gotta see if this game matches its legendary status for myself. Smilie

Been playing the US import for the last month or so (just about to do the last boss battle). This game is so awesome - its interesting to see how classic later games have used some of the ideas in this vintage game (LoZ:OoT springs to mind).

I've played the main game and the various side quests but I haven't done the new DS-specific areas. I'll probably revisit them at a later time. Peeps please - buy this game. Its genious. Smilie

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