Capcom Wary About DSi Exclusives

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.11.2008 4

Capcom Wary About DSi Exclusives on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom will be carefully considering whether to develop exclusive DSi titles, seeing how it turns out first.

The DSi has done fairly well in Japan so far, despite not doing an incredible amount of new things. However, with its camera-based applications and SD-card support, it does have the potential for some new ideas. Capcom may work on something in the future for the platform, but are still cautious - seeing how it does, and the response from users before even considering development.

As the Nintendo DSi was just released recently, Capcom would like to see the response of users in the future and respond to that. We select the console based on our game concept. Therefore, after analyzing the sales situation and user trends for Nintendo DSi, if we have some contents suitable for the console, we will consider it.

Capcom President Haruhiro Tsujimoto

Thanks to Kotaku.

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Well, you can understand their reluctance right now, since even Nintendo hasn't put its full weight behind the system just yet. Less than 400,000 have been sold so far in Japan and the US/European launches aren't coming until around Autumn 2009.

Saying that, I wouldn't be surprised to see Ubisoft churn out about 10-15 games for DSi in the near future, spread across its 'Imagine' and 'Petz' series...Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Does this mean Capcom won't make any DS exclusives? Or does "DSi Exclusive" mean DSWare?

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First few games to use DSi hardware will probably have crappy DSi unlockables or somthing that you can't acces on regular DSlites' like take your picture and put it on a wall in the game somewhere or 1 special level that uses the hardware.
Until the system has properl established itself I doubt we will see any proper DSi stuff, which is good becuase I don't plan on buying it.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Perfectly fine by me.
Just as long as they keep doing DS games Smilie
The only reason for a DSi only game is if it used the camera for gameplay. (eg, augmented reality) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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