Kirby Rockets to No.1 in Japan on Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 25.11.2008 3

Kirby Rockets to No.1 in Japan on Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The sales for the week running from 3rd to 9th November over in Japan have now been collated and show Kirby is as strong as ever. Following a first day that blasted past previous the previous Kirby DS entry, Kirby Mouse Attack (Squeak Squad in the US), the remake of Kirby Super Star from the SNES has stormed home to claim No.1 in the Japanese Media Create Top 50 rundown in just its first week on general release. Whilst Kirby Power Paintbrush (Canvas Curse in the US) could only achieve sales of around 300,000 in Japan, Kirby Mouse Attack managed to scrape its way to the million mark thanks to its timely release meaning it received a nice boost over the festive / holiday period. Considering Kirby Super Star Ultra has blasted way past Mouse Attack's first week, selling through over 50% of its initial stock release already, clearly signs are positive for it to join recent newcomers Pokémon Platinum and Rhythm Tengoku to the million-selling club. On the hardware front, the DSi managed to maintain its grip on the top slot in its second week of release, whilst there are reports of low DS Lite stock around Japan as Nintendo attempts to churn out as many units of the new system as possible.

Check out the full list of data below:

Media Create Top 50 - 3rd-9th November, 2008
1.) Kirby Super Star Ultra (NDS, Nintendo) - 265,654 | NEW (55.22% sell-through)
2.) Rhythm Tengoku Gold (NDS, Nintendo) - 39,891 | 1,129,002 (94.18% sell-through)
3.) Girl's Mode (NDS, Nintendo) - 37,411 | 153,561 (91.44% sell-through)
4.) Pokémon Platinum (NDS, The Pokémon Company) - 36,670 | 1,890,350 (96.16% sell-through)
5.) Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3, Capcom) - 35,851 | 168,526 (89.76% sell-through)
6.) Valkyrie Profile: The Accused One (NDS, Square Enix) - 32,569 | 112,329 (68.42% sell-through)
7.) Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (The Best) (PSP, Capcom) - 19,048 | 44,464 (61.13% sell-through)
8.) Pedometer DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 18,465 | 44,656 (26.61% sell-through)
9.) Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (Limited Edition) - 16,905 | 68,610 (52.81% sell-through)
10.) Little Big Planet (PS3, SCE) - 16,905 | 68,610 (52.81% sell-through)
11.) Wii Music (Wii, Nintendo) - 16,000 | 179,000
12.) Wii Fit (Wii, Nintendo) - 16,000 | 2,697,000
13.) Shugo Chara! (NDS, Konami)
14.) Avalon Code (NDS, Marvelous Interactive) - 13,000 | 26,000
15.) Wrestling Angels Survival 2 (PS2) - 13,000 | NEW (72.74% sell-through)
16.) Cid to Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon: Toki Wasure no Meikyuu + (NDS, Square Enix) - 13,000 | 40,000
17.) Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo) - 12,000 | 1,811,000
18.) Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida Or 2 (PSP, SCE) - 12,000 | 119,000
19.) Shape Boxing: Wii de Enjoy! Diet (Wii, Imagine) - 11,000 | 17,000
20.) Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special (PS2, KOEI) - 7,900 | 209,000
21.) Wind of Nostalgia (NDS, Tecmo) - 7,900 | NEW
22.) Grand Theft Auto IV (360, Capcom) - 7,900 | 47,000
23.) Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo) - 6,300 | 3,174,000
24.) Inazuma Eleven (NDS, Level 5) - 6,300 | 140,000
25.) Zero no Tsukaima (PS2, Marvelous Interactive) - 4,900 | NEW

26.) Yes! Precure 5 Go Go Zenin Shu Go! Dream Festival (NDS, Namco Bandai)
27.) Daigasso! Band Brothers DX (NDS, Nintendo) - 4,600 | 390,000
28.) Dragon Ball Origins (NDS, Namco Bandai)
29.) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)
30.) Beautiful Letter Training (NDS, Nintendo)
31.) Taiko Drum Master 2: The Seven Island Adventure (NDS, Namco Bandai)
32.) Harvest Moon: Waku Waku Animal March (Wii, Marvelous Entertainment)
33.) Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo)
34.) Bleach: Soul Carnival (PSP, SCE)
35.) Macross Ace Frontier (PSP, Namco Bandai)
36.) Animal Crossing: Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)
37.) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo)
38.) Tales of the Abyss The Best (PS2, Namco Bandai)
39.) Galileo (NDS, D3)
40.) Akagawa Jirou Mystery: Tsuki no Hikari (NDS, Marvelous Interactive)
41.) Culdcept DS (NDS, SEGA)
42.) Happy Dance Collection (Wii, Namco Bandai)
43.) Devil Summoner: Kuzunoha Raidou tai Abaddon Ou (Limited) (PS2, Atlus)
44.) SOCOM: US Navy SEALs Confrontation (PS3, SCE)
45.) Tenchu 4 (Wii, From Software)
46.) Devil Summoner: Kuzunoha Raidou tai Abaddon Ou (Special) (PS2, Atlus)
47.) Kanji Brain 2 + Dictionary (NDS, IE Institute)
48.) Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (NDS, Square Enix)
49.) Dr. Slump & Arale-Chan (NDS, Namco Bandai)
50.) Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (NDS, Konami)
XX.) Pingu (NDS, Square Enix) - 810 | NEW

Hardware - This Week | Last Week | Total 2008 Sales | Lifetime Sales
1.) Nintendo DSi - 104,897 | 171,925 | 276,822 | 276,822
2.) PlayStation Portable - 43,726 | 50,358 | 3,147,513 | 10,812,590
3.) Wii - 24,726 | 23,123 | 2,336,530 | 6,952,669
4.) PlayStation 3 - 18,354 | 39,587 | 761,813 | 2,403,489
5.) Xbox 360 - 12,759 | 6,119 | 239,507 | 747,952
6.) Nintendo DS - 8,381 | 16,369 | 2,516,259 | 23,689,313
7.) PlayStation 2 - 5,743 | 6,714 | 424,691 | 21,351,731

Expect another update very soon...

Box art for Kirby Super Star Ultra

HAL Laboratory




2D Platformer



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When is Kirby coming to the UK? looks like a good package to get into the franchise.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Sadly we're probably looking at Q1 2009 at the earliest. However, we DO get Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon early next month instead :-D

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Oh my precious DS Lite how you have fallen...damn DSi.

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