Collectors Comic for House of the Dead

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.11.2008 4

Collectors Comic for House of the Dead on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have revealed a sweet Collector's Edition set for the Wii-exclusive House of the Dead: Overkill.

The Wii's answer to hardcore has revealed what looks to be a PAL-exclusive collector's edition including a slipcase with unique design and an exclusive Adults-Only graphics novel dubbed "Prelude to an Overkill". The story tells the story of Agent Washington and new large-chested Varla Gunns before the events of the game and won't retail as a separate product.

The House of the Dead: Overkill will run rampant in stores in February 2009.

Image for Collectors Comic for House of the Dead

Image for Collectors Comic for House of the Dead

Image for Collectors Comic for House of the Dead

Image for Collectors Comic for House of the Dead

Thanks to MyWii for providing the images.

Box art for The House of the Dead: Overkill





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (4 Votes)

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Ok, it'll depend on price and reviews, but if this is coming to the uk i'm getting it.

Stulaw said:
Ok, it'll depend on price and reviews, but if this is coming to the uk i'm getting it.

The Wii's answer to hardcore has revealed what looks to be a PAL-exclusive collector's edition

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The game looks pretty terrible. Especially since I've just been playing some Left 4 Dead, to which this can never compare favourably.

jb said:
Stulaw said:
Ok, it'll depend on price and reviews, but if this is coming to the uk i'm getting it.

The Wii's answer to hardcore has revealed what looks to be a PAL-exclusive collector's edition

Oh yeah, and I didn't even notice that it said PAK on the cover.

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