Castlevania: Maria Seeks Big Ones

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.11.2008 9

Castlevania: Maria Seeks Big Ones on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One of the character's in Castlevania Judgment is on the hunt... for bigger breasts, it seems.

In the Wii brawler's story mode, characters are given 3 different cutscenes where they're interacting with key characters, and looking for something. In the young Maria's case, it seems she shares Konami's obsession with large-boobed vampire ladies - the ultimate in cheesy dialogue!

"These just get in the way…"

Thanks to GoNintendo for the tip.

Box art for Castlevania Judgment








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jb, nice title but there's nothing there. pressed enter too early?

Stulaw said:
jb, nice title but there's nothing there. pressed enter too early?

Lol yep - added the text/video in now.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Lol, it's cheesey, but she's just a girl who's self concious about the way she looks, ' oh no! even the vampires are bigger than mine' lol.

You know what, I might start to buy castlevania games, just give them a go, because I don't think you'd even need to be a fan to enjoy this, I mean it's funny.

Hm, I don't like how delayed every response of the character's dialogues are to the previous line. But whatever.

The boobs thing is a little humorous, but bordering on immature, surely? Sexist even. Is there one woman in there with small, perk breasts? I'd be surprised.

Azzy said:
The boobs thing is a little humorous, but bordering on immature, surely? Sexist even. Is there one woman in there with small, perk breasts? I'd be surprised.

Yeah it does seem a bit like something a middle school aged boy would think up...
On the other hand it's humorous because they recognize that the ridiculous proportions are pretty obvious. Depictions of women in other games are equally ridiculous (if not worse), yet they act like it's completely normal.

Cute... I am, however, really annoyed with Maria's voice. Sad...

Azzy said:
Hm, I don\'t like how delayed every response of the character\'s dialogues are to the previous line. But whatever.

Yep, this is so typically a fighting game it\'s funny. Because fighting games are funny.

I love how the last one is naive. It\'s like. \"WTF is she talking about!?\" I\'m sure Nintendo won\'t be happy about this.

( Edited 21.11.2008 09:58 by SuperLink )

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*lol* With cutscene like this, I may be buying the games after all. They are bad! English voice acting is bad and animation, which is non-existent - and the overexcited voice-overs are not in unison...

Is the game really that bad?

Shame, character design looks great. Overdone, but great. That's why I like 2D Castlevanias that much... They have that baroque overflow on them...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

i red somewhere that u can change the voice acting to jap, which i will do for sure ! the english is just HORRIBLE ! ><"

anyways it looks like an amazing game.. atleast this is what i think ^^

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