Tales of Hearts Delayed in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.11.2008 2

Tales of Hearts Delayed in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Namco Bandai have pushed the DS exclusive Tales entry by a week in Japan.

NeoGAF's Duckroll spotted the amended date on the company's official site, with Tales of Hearts now taking a crack at Christmas sales on December 18th 2008, as opposed to December 11th.

This unfortunately pits the game head on with Square-Enix's Dissidia: Final Fantasy for PSP, an action RPG that collaborates many different characters from the FF world.

Could the move cause problems for Namco Bandai? Tales or Final Fantasy, Tales or Final Fantasy? The answer - buy both!

Box art for Tales of Hearts

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Short answer: Buy both

Long Answer: DISSIDIA will come out here and ToH will not. That and I've been hyped for DISSIDIA for ages and wasn't that hyped for ToH at all compared to Innocence.

If I was a Japanese gamer with a DS and a PSP and enough money to buy one of those games, I'd choose DISSIDIA in less than a heartbeat I'm afraid. ;P

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