Square Enix Resurrects Bahamut RPG on Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 17.11.2008 17

Square Enix Resurrects Bahamut RPG on Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update - The official trailer has now been released and added to the story below, plus here are some details translated by duckroll of NeoGAF:

The game structure is probably going to be like Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. It certainly sounds that way. The game will feature over 130 missions, and is entirely mission-based. You control a single character out of seven possible heroes, and in the multi-player mode up to four players can tackle a mission together as different characters. There are main story missions as well as free missions that are optional [and] it looks like you can play any mission you've already unlocked.

Original Story - Square Enix has confirmed what many had already presumed - Blood of Bahamut is indeed a new RPG set to hit the DS exclusively in 2009, with the game's logo and name hinting towards a potential link between this new title and the Japan-only release Bahamut Lagoon from the SNES. There will be two lead protagonists in the new DS outing, one called 'Ibuki' and the other 'Yui'. Both characters live in a fortified city built on the back of a giant who sometimes wakes up, normally during enemy attacks. This leads to the heroes having to fight and defend their city with their lives. Blood of Bahamut will feature a co-operative multiplayer mode that caters for up to four players using local wireless, as opposed to online Wi-Fi. This comes as somewhat of a disappointment for fans seeing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time's splendid-looking online multiplayer mode, however details are not currently set in stone, with the game set to be presented at the Jump Festa expo that takes place in Japan at the end of this year.

A large scan from the new edition of Shonen Jump magazine can also be seen below, giving a brief glimpse at the game [ Click to Enlarge ]:

Elsewhere in the world of Square Enix, it has been revealed that the company has released a full remake of Hanjuku Hero, the original 1988 NES classic RPG that sadly never made it to the West. The closest the Western world has ever been to receiving a Hanjuku Hero game is with the DS iteration, know here as 'Egg Monster Hero', which actually had an English demo version made to show it off at the first E3 the DS was shown off at. For reasons unknown it was dropped for release, despite selling a healthy 100,000 units in Japan. However, who knows, perhaps this mobile phone remake of the first game, which is even being supervised by the original staff (Takashi Tokita, Kazuhiko Aoki and Nobuo Uematsu), will do what Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness did, and eventually leap from mobile format to DS. Or it might even take the path that many believe Final Fantasy IV: The After will be taking - a WiiWare release in the Western world.

But would you like to see Ganso Hanjuku Hero, complete with its complete overhaul of the gameplay system, graphics and interface, as well as its newly re-balanced combat? What a better way to celebrate the series' 20th anniversary than having the very first game finally released in the West! For now, though, the game is only available on DoCoMo imode phones in Japan for the ridiculously cheap cost of just 525yen (roughly £3.60!).

Box art for Blood of Bahamut

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Was bahamut lagoon any good? I only really know Bahamut from final fantasy as the ultimate summon.

I loved Bahamut Lagoon - very cool SRPG, along with Treasure Hunter G. With THG already on the Japanese VC, I wouldn't be surprised to see BL appear as well.

I wonder if this DS game is definitely linked to that SNES game? No doubt we'll find out when Famitsu's website updates with the first screenshots.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Guest 16.11.2008#3

Aargh, not another strategy rpg.Smilie

I can't believe this is coming out.

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

Seems to use the FFXII: Revenant Wings game engine...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yay more SRPG love! Smilie Looking great.

Looks gorgeous.

Bart.... said:
Aargh, not another strategy rpg.Smilie

There can NEVER be enough SRPG's Bart. Never. Ever. For never.

Guest 17.11.2008#8

I think one was really enough, they should have found at then it isn't enjoyable. Instead they keep tormenting me by turning every rpg in a strategy one! Oh well.

Bart.... said:
I think one was really enough, they should have found at then it isn't enjoyable. Instead they keep tormenting me by turning every rpg in a strategy one! Oh well.

lol - play Fire Emblem Bart. It might change your mind.

Guest 17.11.2008#10

Jacob4000 said:
Bart.... said:
I think one was really enough, they should have found at then it isn't enjoyable. Instead they keep tormenting me by turning every rpg in a strategy one! Oh well.

lol - play Fire Emblem Bart. It might change your mind.

I might soon, the Wii version.

Doesn't the sword that the guy is holding look a little too big and heavy for him?

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

KrownsK said:
Doesn't the sword that the guy is holding look a little too big and heavy for him?

He must be on Cloud Strife's workout program.

Guest 17.11.2008#13

KrownsK said:
Doesn't the sword that the guy is holding look a little too big and heavy for him?

It's a compensation for a certain part of his Japanese body.

So small!

His feet? ;-Smilie

I've added a bunch of screenshots from the official website now...looks very interesting indeed. Many are saying S-E has ripped off Shadow of the Collossus. What do you guys think?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Guest 18.11.2008#15

jesusraz said:
His feet? ;-Smilie

Well you know what they say about Japanse men with small feet...

Yup, they're nearly always falling over... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Guest 18.11.2008#17

Only when they're not playing wii of course.;-Smilie

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