D_prOdigy said:
It\'s best not to go too much into it in this article, but basically they\'re guilty of ignoring sales on DS/Wii, treating them with half-baked spinoffs and outsourced efforts whenever they\'re not porting 99% of their back catalogue.
DS is clearly S-E\'s favourite console of the generation so far. They may be spinoffs and remakes, but they\'re still excellent. S-E had already announced the 13th mainseries FF game before they started loving the DS, BUT DQIX is a DS exclusive! FFXIV may even end up a DS exclusive at this rate.
Meanwhile, they continue to moneyhat the 360 with constant AAA RPG after AAA RPG (admitedly, none of them all that good up to now, but its the principle.)
S-E are Japanese, so they had no real favour for the 360 until they saw that many of their western fans had a 360 and not a PS3. How can you honestly say S-E\'s treatment of the 360 is annoying to anyone?
Then there\'s the case if the imbecile Tetsuya Nomura, who would rather lick clean the PS3 despite the rut its in, rather than see creativity go towards Wii; where the money actually is. (Lots of people will argue that point, but when we see that Dragon Quest Swords - a budget, outsourced game - outsold Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, you get the picture).
Don\'t blame S-E as a whole for Nomura\'s fanboyness. S-E INSISTED that there be a Kingdom Hearts title on DS despite this, and maybe Nomura will change eventually. Nomura is just a fanboy, he doesn\'t care about the money, but Nomura isn\'t the head of S-E, otherwise I\'m sure he\'d have something to say about all these S-E games on DS.
So yeah, I\'d personally put Square Enix in the Ubisoft/Capcom area. Aren\'t ports, spinoffs and remakes wonderful?
Don\'t throw Capcom and S-E into the same pile as Ubishite, especially not S-E. S-E only have a few big mainseries\', all of which have games in the making.
FFXIII - 360/PS3
And where are most of the perfectly good spin offs going? To the DS mostly, is anyone complaining about the amazing FF remakes in 3D for DS? No, bring them on I say. Not to mention Crystal Chronicles, which is perfectly good, and is already the biggest FF spin off series, is a Nintendo exclusive FF series, and also the ONLY console exclusive FF series yet, since KH and Tactics have also been pretty multiconsole.
S-E are awesome and they love the DS (too much?). I am disappointed with their treatment of the Wii, but they\'re not treating it much worse than the PS3.
I\'ll just say that as a proud owner of both a DS and a 360, I\'m FAR more pleased with how Square is treating the DS.
( Edited 15.11.2008 22:00 by SuperLink )