Nintendo Fans Ready to Rage Over Wii's Geon

By Adam Riley 14.11.2008 3

Nintendo Fans Ready to Rage Over Wii

The 'RAGE' powerball trailer has been unveiled, showing off the upcoming Arcade action game Geon from Pinnacle. In the continuing build-up to the February 2009 release of Geon on Nintendo's Wii, Pinnacle Software and Strawdog Studios have unveiled a new gameplay trailer depicting the 'RAGE' powerball in action.

In Geon the powerball you select can often give you a strategic advantage over your opponent - but sometimes you just want to unleash a bit of Rage on them. The Rage power-up adds a second attack to your arsenal (it "spikes" an area of the grid) which can pin your opponent in place or block access to an area of the grid. Once you have trapped opponent you can then move in for a point blank attack with your Geon cube's jump attack or leave them stranded while you head for their goal to score.

Check out the trailer below:

There are also some new screenshots to be found in the game's media folder...

Geon (Wii)

Information page for Geon (Wii)Game DetailsScreenshots, pictures and artwork for GeonScreensVideos, trailers, gameplay footage and adverts for GeonVideos
Box art for Geon
Also known as

Geon Cube




Pinnacle Bros





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Dramatic topic title Adam Smilie

The game looks cool.

looks very cool for a multiplayer !

needs to have an option to be faster ! and 4 players would be crazy !

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

Like the look of the game, very stylish.

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