EA Reveals Need for Speed Undercover on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.11.2008 11

EA Reveals Need for Speed Undercover on Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fancy racing in a car from the 90s? Head on in for a new trailer for Need for Speed: Undercover.

The game is the latest in a long line of racers from EA under the Need for Speed line, and today we've got a video of an exciting, or not so exciting, police pursuit on the Wii.

The GameCube Need for Speed games were pretty decent, the same with Carbon and Pro Street on Wii. What happened, EA?

Box art for Need for Speed: Undercover

Black Box







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errr.... what was that??
i am shocked.Smilie

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

So am I. It looks absolutely disgusting. Arggh!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

i saw the pic above the vid and thought this looks promising, then i saw the vid.it looks better on psp

Aside from the fact that I nearly dozed of watching the trailer. But I always did when watching NFS-Trailers...

But yeah... it looks like monster 4x4 part 2...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Well it is a Wii guys.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Mario_0 said:
Well it is a Wii guys.

Yeah, but it actually looks like Burnout 2 on the GC.
In fact, i think Burnout 2 looks much better!

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Well, at least the framerate is smooth - pity there is no other traffic on the street to avoid. Could be fun online with 4 players though.

GR781 said:
It looks like someone laminated the floor...
And playing it will be as fun as watching that person laminate the floor.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

lol, i think EA have forgotten about their roots with need for speed and spent more time with the new burnout game. Can it be theyve sent it to a different devlopment team? Seems like they put all their effort into the Burnout license forgetting the fact that Need for Speed usually tops the christmas charts with all those annoying pimp my ride fanatics.

One thing that shocked me besides the slightly shoddy graphics and lack of cars on the road was the sound coming from the car, Where was it?

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