Felix Meets Felicity Rushes onto DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.11.2008

Felix Meets Felicity Rushes onto DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Run, Dash and Rush using your stylus and touch screen with The Chase: Felix Meets Felicity.

Players take the role of Felix or Felicity to dash across town dodging a whole host of obstacles, dangers and hectic scenarios to beat the clock. The stylus can be used to draw tools and platforms to help overcome problems along the way. You'll be heading through the busy city, stinky zoo, fun-filled carnival and the not-so-relaxing beach, taking down enemies and trying to impress their sweetheart using some oddly named power-ups including Time-Freeze, Love-Rush, Newton-Bomb and the explosive Love-Nuke.

We wanted to create a high quality action platformer that had lots of personality to it while keeping the great arcade-style gameplay to the fore. We've brought the best of old school arcade platforming to the new-generation DS while making the most of the hardware in terms of graphics and the clever use of the stylus in gameplay. The result is a great example of classic arcade action brought right up to date for the DS.

David Geudelekian, Producer, Atari

Our goal with The Chase: Felix Meets Felicity is to create a game that is not only great fun with brilliant original gameplay, but something that competes with the very best platform titles on DS. In a busy DS market we're investing the time and effort to deliver a fun and innovative game of exceptional quality to DS owners everywhere.

Cyril Voiron, VP Brand Management, Worldwide Publishing, Atari.

The Chase: Felix Meets Felicity, developed by Razorback, will race into stores in February 2009.

Box art for The Chase: Felix Meets Felicity





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

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