Square Enix Updates Nintendo DS/Wii Sales

By Adam Riley 08.11.2008 5

Square Enix Updates Nintendo DS/Wii Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has been throwing so much support behind the Nintendo DS, but has left Wii behind so far. Now its latest sales figures have been released. What the company should be pleased to see is how games such as Dragon Quest IV and Dragon Quest Swords have performed admirably in Europe, whilst The World Ends with You has clocked up solid worldwide sales now.

In addition, Final Fantasy IV's remake has cracked the million milestone, likely helping to greenlight a similar remake of the fifth in the series, most probably on the DS again sometime in 2009. Sigma Harmonics looks to have been a major disappointment with only 70,000 units shipped so far in Japan, although it could fare better in the West (and has been spotted on US trademark website, with S-E Europe also considering the game for the PAL territories). As for Nanashi no Game (review here), reaching 60,000 is far better than could have been expected for such a niche horror title, whilst Front Mission 2089's total of 50,000 is not awful given the series' declining popularity in Japan, mixed with how this was previously a mobile phone game ported to DS.

The first set of figures are for the period between 1st April and 30th September, whilst the second set are lifetime figures for games released in at least one territory during that previous period:

1st April - 30th September, 2008

  • Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (NDS) - 1,150,000 (All Japan)
  • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) - 620,000 (Japan: 10,000, US: 150,000, EU: 460,000)
  • Final Fantasy IV (NDS) - 440,000 (Japan: 10,000, US: 250,000, EU: 180,000)
  • Infinite Undiscovery (360) - 410,000 (Japan: 120,000, US: 200,000, EU: 90,000)
  • Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (NDS) - 320,000 (US: 200,000, EU: 120,000)
  • Dragon Quest IV: The Chapters of the Chosen (NDS) - 260,000 (Japan: 30,000, US: 90,000, EU: 140,000)
  • The World Ends with You (NDS) - 160,000 (US: 140,000, EU: 20,000)
  • Dragon Quest Swords (Wii) - 100,000 (All EU)
  • Chocobo's Dungeon (Wii) - 70,000 (All US)
  • Sigma Harmonics (NDS) - 70,000 (All Japan)
  • Nanashi no Game (NDS) - 60,000 (All Japan)
  • Front Mission 2089 (NDS) - 50,000 (All Japan)
  • Other (All Formats) - 1,270,000 (Japan: 550,000, US: 460,000, EU: 250,000, Asia: 10,000)

Lifetime Sales

  • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) - 1,920,000 (Japan: 820,000, US: 610,000, EU: 460,000, Asia: 30,000)
  • Final Fantasy IV (NDS) - 1,040,000 (Japan: 610,000, US: 250,000, EU: 180,000)
  • Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (NDS) - 620,000 (Japan: 300,000, US: 200,000, EU: 120,000)
  • Dragon Quest IV: The Chapters of the Chosen (NDS) - 1,420,000 (Japan: 1,190,000, US: 90,000, EU: 140,000)
  • The World Ends with You (NDS) - 370,000 (Japan: 180,000, US: 140,000, EU: 50,000)
  • Dragon Quest Swords (Wii) - 710,000 (Japan: 500,000, US: 110,000, EU: 100,000)
  • Chocobo's Dungeon (Wii) - 160,000 (Japan: 90,000, US: 70,000)

Will Sigma Harmonics, Nanashi no Game and Front Mission 2089 get their chance in the West, unlike Itadaki Street DS that was unfairly left behind? And how will Chocobo's Dungeon fare in Europe after being released yesterday?

Box art for Final Fantasy IV



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Nice sales, hopefully Final Fantasy V and VI do get remade, I hope S-E\'s Wii support picks up, what happened to Crystal Bearers? It seems to have been cancelled.

( Edited 08.11.2008 16:14 by Stulaw )

It hasn't been cancelled, just delayed. S-E Europe told me it was simply a case of it being revealed WAY too early. I fully expect Crystal Bearers later in 2009, along with plenty of extra Wii support. From what I was told a few months back it was just that S-E Japan was too slow on the uptake for Wii.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Lifetimes Sales for "The World Ends With You" are only 370,000??? Really? That game is truly awesome and innovative. I can't believe that it's sold so little copies worldwide...

Their support for Nintendo platforms looks nice on paper, but in reality, Square Enix deserve hardly any credit. DS support has been way too 'safe' to say the least. Most of their original/AAA games (of which there are very few) are down to smaller companies as much as they are S-E: The World Ends With You, Dragon Quest IX = Jupiter, Level 5.

And their Wii support has just been depressing. Dragon Quest Swords was almost a good start for them, until it became clear that it was a half-baked, outsorced effort. The annoying thing is that this game has sold through the roof for what it is. It's pretty much trumped both Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey; both money-hatting, high profile, mass advertised AAA games. How the hell can they ignore Wii potential?

There is of course the case of the blithering, half-wit that is Tetsuya Nomura. That idiot has become far too influential in key decisions of the company. He would rather lick clean the PS3 with the same old tosh than see original effort flourish into real success on other formats.

So Square-Enix have essentially turned into Microsoft-funded, Nomura-Enix. Don't expect anything off them.

Apparently it wasn't fully localised for Europe, only being released in English, which kind of explains its limited appeal over here. In the US there were reported shortages, and S-E was caught off guard, so took too long to re-supply...and in Japan, well, opinion is split. Some think ~200,000 for a new franchise was impressive, others expected it to be much stronger than that.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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