Band Brothers DX May Jam Along in the West

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.11.2008 5

Band Brothers DX May Jam Along in the West on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The popular Daigasso! Band Brothers DX may receive localisation, says Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.

The game allows users to download up to 100 different licensed tunes, remix them to their heart's content and stick em up onto a user-contributed network for others to listen to and possibly be inspired by.

A growing number of fans outside Japan have expressed keen interest on getting Band Bros localised with some western material, and despite a likelihood being pretty low, it looks like Nintendo are researching how it could be exported.

No matter what kind of music, if we tried to do this in other countries it would be very difficult. Therefore, we are currently researching what would be required and what allowed in each region and individual country. If we find an agreeable answer, we certainly want to develop.

If we could somehow put together a good deal with one particular music label, it would somewhat reduce the number of choices available [to players], but I believe we could create a game that still offers a variety of possibilities.

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President

If your DS can be pumped full of musical treats would you pick up a copy of a localised Band Bros?

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for Jam with the Band
Also known as

Daigasso! Band Brothers DX









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Considering the first one was always 'meant to be coming' according to Nintendo reps, they better not drop the ball with this one. Band Bros. is very cool indeed.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Awesome. It's great to hear that they are interested in bringing the game over.

Guess it must be hard to get music licenses to use. I wondered why the first one didn\'t come out in the west, hopefully this one will.

1000th post

( Edited 07.11.2008 22:44 by Stulaw )

Wii Music has me worried though...95% of the music was public domain stuff. I'm hoping they don't do a repeat.

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