Heidi Klum Strips for Guitar Hero: World Tour Ad

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.11.2008 8

Heidi Klum Strips for Guitar Hero: World Tour Ad on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Popular model, actress and presenter Heidi Klum recently bared some flesh to promote Guitar Hero: World Tour.

The supermodel slides into the living room and jiggles about with a guitar, parodying Tom Cruise in the 80's flick, Risky Business. She also mimes to Bob Seger's Old Time Rock and Roll.

In the director's cut (not safe for work), airing at later times, she instead strips down to her underwear to urge games to "unleash their inner rockstar":

The game slides into stores this week in the UK, Europe.

Box art for Guitar Hero: World Tour

Vicarious Visions







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Always nice to look at, and sex sells.

( Edited 05.11.2008 22:30 by Stulaw )

more boob commercials!


She looks like the girl from the Suga Babes.

Best videogame advert ever...

Can't wait for Rock Band.


They should have used Homer's parody of it in the Simpsons LOL

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I reckon that 2nd vid would definitely be suitable for my work - the guys in my team would really appreciated seeing it Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Sweeeeet! Looks like she put more "Feeling" into the second video.

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