Sega Talks Werehog Action in Sonic Unleashed

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.11.2008 5

Sega Talks Werehog Action in Sonic Unleashed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega's Yoshihisa Hashimoto recently spoke on the Werehog part of the forthcoming Sonic Unleashed.

The game springs onto our shelves this month and Sega have decided to continue the Halloween mood by revealing some interesting tidbits about our blue hero's transformation into his furry counterpart, the Werehog.

Hashimoto also let slip in the Unleashed blog that players will only be able to play as Sonic in the main game, with the usual cast of supporting characters usable in other modes.

- Just like he looks, the Werehog is physically strong and can do battle with other monsters.
- Some of the monsters he fights are upwards of 25 feet tall.
- We want the battle system to be action-packed yet well-tuned, to be fun for beginner and expert players alike
- A set of simple controls allows for a wide variety of different moves and combos.
- Defeating monsters causes them to drop Chaos Orbs, which are used to accumulate experience points.
- Experience points can be used to develop your attack power, your stamina, to increase your Unleash Gauge or add to your defense capabilities
- There are plenty of different actions to pull of, including lobbing monsters through the air, beating them with your fists, hurling them across the battlefield, snatching them out of the air and piledriving them into the ground...
- Defeated monsters sometimes release Dark Gaia Force, which lets the Unleash Gauge accumulate, which is used to trigger some of the Werehog's more brutal actions.
- When Unleashed, the Werehog enters a temporary state of super-fast movement and increased attack power and ferocity.
- Stages include things like ledges, footholds, poles, pillars, balance beams and traps to vary up the terrain that the Werehog has to navigate via jumping and creative use of his stretching arms.
- There are also puzzle elements, involving switches, levers, doors, chests, monsters and other stage objects.

Sonic Unleashed is due for release on the November 11th 2008 in the US and 14th in the UK.

Box art for Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (27 Votes)

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I want game so muchSmilie Smilie

I was interested in this game...but the werehog parts have put me off slightly. Mite pick this up at a later date...but first I want to get Mirrors Edge and PES2009 for my 360.

Can't wait for this game! Probably one of the only games I've looked up videos and info for (outside of doing news for C3) in a long while.

Only a week and a bit to go!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'll have to wait for reviews, but like JB im looking into the game quite a bit all the time!

jb said:
Can't wait for this game! Probably one of the only games I've looked up videos and info for (outside of doing news for C3) in a long while.

Only a week and a bit to go!

Agreed! I'm immensely excited now. I know I'll be disappointed but from the playtests and vids it's looking better than Sonic 2006!

And I love the graphics too!

*Waits eagerly*

Reviews will dictate which version I pick up first. I'm assuming Wii for now.

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