Activision Say No to Unlicensed Instruments

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.10.2008 6

Want to use a third party peripheral with Guitar Hero? Activision say only licensed controllers can be used. Bummer.

Music games are a great way of bridging the gap for those who want to have a load of fun but don't really want the hassle of learning songs on a real instrument.

With Guitar Heroes and Rock Bands needing specific hardware, EA announced several weeks back that Rock Band 2 players will be able to use their Guitar Hero instruments. But now it seems Activision don't want Guitar Hero adopters to use non-Activision (i.e. Rock Band) equipment whilst playing the latest edition, On Tour.

A label on the back of the box reads:

"Guitar Hero World Tour Game is compatible with Guitar Hero guitar controllers for the Xbox 360. If used with guitar peripherals, only Guitar Hero peripherals are supported by Activision.

Activision authorizes use of this Guitar Hero Game only in combination with Guitar Hero controllers provided by Activision or standard gamepad controllers provided with the game console or other Activision licensed controllers. Any other use is expressly prohibited. No other license, express or implied, is granted."

Is there really a need to continually have to shell out for new peripherals? I'm sure users would rather part ways with their hard earned dosh for better games then yet another dust-collecting guitar.

Box art for Guitar Hero: World Tour

Vicarious Visions







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This is fucking ridiculous. It is on the same system, therefore it should work for both games. Someone needs to fucking step in and sort this shit out. I'm thinking Nintendo or Microsoft are in the best position to do this.

The whole "Guitar Hero/Rock Band" concept is way past old by now anyway. I don't even understand why anyone would keep buying these games. GH2 was good, but I got bored of the formula by the time I finished that one.

tiamat1990 said:
This is fucking ridiculous. It is on the same system, therefore it should work for both games. Someone needs to fucking step in and sort this shit out. I'm thinking Nintendo or Microsoft are in the best position to do this.

Defo, I'm glad I haven't splashed out on multiple instruments for different guitar/music games.

May as well have a real guitar, which I've got 2 lol. Drums etc are just such a big space hogger!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Hm, it says the use of unlicensed controllers is prohibited, but does that actually mean they won't work? Or just that Activision don't want you to use them?
Although, I guess "only Guitar Hero peripherals are supported by Activision" implies that others won't work... Smilie

surely you can't damage your Wii by using Rock-band-instruments with GH4. So just try it out. I hope people in US try it and tell us if it works. then nothing is wrong. Activision can't see if you are using non-activision instruments.

I don't see a point in forbidding the competitor's hardware. MTV doesn't so, too. That shifts my liking away from Activision towards Harmonix a bit. With this, Activision, you hit your fellow hardcore gamers supporting your big cars and salaries. You don't get people to buy your peripherals too, but to not buy your game if they already are into Rock Band. We don't have unlimited room and money, you know!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Hmm the 360 Guitars work with any game like a normal controller. If a normal controller works with GH4 and the RB Guitar is just a normal controller in a different shape (as is the drums if you think about it) then how can Activision stop it?

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