For those that have previously enjoyed the NBA Street basketball games from EA's BIG label, its time might well up, according to comments from the company President Peter Moore. It seems that the SSX snowboarding franchise could be on thin ice as well:
"We'll still do traditional sports, but we're going to do them a different way. NBA Street is a good example. We built a new Freestyle brand to do different things, and we also need to build our own intellectual properties. We rely on other people's IP for everything we do and we need to develop some new things. In the old days we had things like SSX that were our own intellectual property, but since then we've kind of moved away from that. We need a mixture of experiences that are not only for the hardcore, 'It's in the game' crowd. But if Wii Sports has taught us anything, it's that people will sit there and play big head tennis all day long. We need to be able to tap into that audience. We need to have something for that sports fan who might not necessarily be a sports gamer, but who wants that 15-minute experience without having to struggle on how to use the controller."
NBA Street V3 on GameCube, featuring Mario & Co.
Will you be disappointed to see the 'Street' series die a death? And with NBA Street's days seemingly numbered, presumably NFL Street and FIFA Street will fade away as well. If SSX disappears, however, many will be very disappointed, no doubt...