Sonic Unleashes onto Wii, TGS08 Gameplay Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.10.2008 3

Footage from the Wii version of Sega’s Sonic Unleashed has slipped onto the 'net from this year’s TGS.

The blue wonder and friends travel the globe to once again thwart the forces of evil, bringing the much loved sense of speed, platforming and cheeky attitude that Sonic has been known for to next generation consoles. Eggman is being Eggman and wreaking havoc on the world, messing up continents with the power of the chaos emeralds �" and the corrupted gems are also taking their toll on the spiky chap.

Until now players haven’t seen much from the Wii version, instead being drowned in high definition versions, but during TGS attendees were able to give Nintendo’s version a go �" and it looks like developer Dimps has done a mighty fine job of translating the game to the Wii’s specs:

Our favourite speedy animal is due out in November 2008 in the US and Europe, December in Japan.

Box art for Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (27 Votes)

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Oh happy day! Our beloved Cubed3 has returned! Smilie
It looks like they've polished it up pretty nicely. That's good to see.

Looks a lot better then they said it would be. Very comforting that it looks like a Sonic Rush game too!

Gotta be one of the best looking Wii games when it\'s in motion. Really looking forward to it now Smilie Playtests are ALMOST positive!

( Edited 16.10.2008 10:42 by SuperLink )

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