Another Code Finds its way onto Wii - First Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.10.2008 7

Adventure fans rejoice! The geniuses at Cing will be bringing Another Code to the Wii, first screens inside.

Nintendo revealed snippets of the game in action during their Fall 2008 conference in Japan earlier today, and since then a teeny batch of screens have unravelled onto the Interwebs.

Not much is known at time of writing, except the return of the team behind the original (and Hotel Dusk as well), Cing to handle developing duties alongside Nintendo as publisher.

Image for Another Code Finds its way onto Wii - First Screens

The original outing, Another Code: Two Memories (Trace Memory), was a surprise hit for DS, building up a strong following onto Cing's follow-up project Hotel Dusk and Little King Story for the Wii. Starring the thirteen year old Ashley Mizuki Robbins, players headed out onto Blood Edward Island in search of Ashley's father. The Wii version also sees Ashley taking the starring role, complete with familiar adventure elements that have made past games from Cing a success.

With Dusk also hinted for a sequel, could the appearance of Another Code on Wii pave the way for more adventures with Kyle Hyde?

Box art for Another Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories








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Fantastic...but... a \"version\"...I\'m pretty sure so many elements where DS-specific, it might as well be a whole new game :?
And the screens look all new locations to me, so I think the wii version is a sequal.

( Edited 02.10.2008 07:21 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I'll definitely be buying this, loved the first game. One of my favourites on DS despite it's shortness.

had some really clever puzzles. Hope they come up with interesting things for the Wii aswell.

I haven't really played the DS game, so I'm not sure if ill get this, I need more screen shots and gameplay footage!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I hated the stamp puzzel. The only reason I solved it was because


After all the imaginative puzzles they came up with on DS, I'm certainly interested in seeing what Cing can do on Wii. Smilie

Mmm... great game for the DS, can't wait for this as wellSmilie

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