GTA DS Unveiled in the Latest NP: First Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.09.2008 16

The latest edition of Nintendo Power has spilled the beans on Rockstar's GTA installment for Nintendo's DS.

Entitled Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, the game ventures into familiar crime territory with players doing their business in a familiar town but with an all-new visual style.

  • Follows recent GTA-styled gameplay � open world, crime narrative, sandbox.
  • Visually uses an isometric camera angle, with cells-shaded polys, black borders.
  • Touch screen use � "tasteful" minigames.
  • Interfaced based on a PDA � uses a hub for email, contacts, map, GPS, stats etc.
  • Stats can be transferred to the Rockstar Social Club using Wi-Fi.
  • Missions developed for shorter play times, arcade-feel. If players fail, can jump back into the action sequences.
  • Aiming using the control pad, auto-targetting using the R shoulder button.
  • Good portion of Liberty City is modelled in the game, though has different routes.
  • No load time or frame-rate issues � despite having a load of pedestrians and vehicles on screen.
  • Wanted system: disable police cars any way possible.
  • Real-time weather effects, 24-hour day/night cycle.
  • Radio enabled background-tunes, more instrumental than vocals.
  • No details yet on multiplayer/Wi-Fi features
  • Thanks to NeoGAF for the lowdown.

    Box art for Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

    Rockstar Leeds







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    Isometric camera angle?Smilie

    How's that going to workwith GTA?

    I still think overhead 3D would have worked best.
    DS comes off quite strong graphicaly when that style is used.
    Not sure Isometrix is that good for car-navigation, <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    Anyone know where we can see some screenies?

    We're not allowed to post up English written scans unfortunately.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I've been looking for a while, but it seems no-one has put up scans yet. Forumers that have the magazine say the screens look great though. Smilie

    Visually uses an isometric camera angle, with cells-shaded polys, black borders.

    This is more awesome news than people will know.

    Personally, I'm loving the sound of this. The isometric viewpoint should be good. After all, the pre-GTA3 games were good and they were top-down, so this could be pretty similar.

    First Scans!!

    Not too bad at all.SmilieSmilie

    Phoenixus said:
    First Scans!!

    Not too bad at all.SmilieSmilie

    They don't look bad at all, infact, it's more top down than the description leads me to believe.

    Another, even better bunch of screens;

    I need to see screens. I don't understand this isometric angle. And what are the black borders about? Are they cutting parts off because the system can't handle it?

    The black border thing just means there will be black outlines around charchters and stuff, lots of cel shaded games do it.

    Those screens arnt isometrix, the angle clearly changes.
    Bloody good graphics though, like the style. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    Isometric camera angle? Meh. It'll be as close to real GTA as the GBA versions of Tony Hawk were.

    Look at the screens, links above. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    i'am dieing to see this game outSmilie

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