High Voltage Requesting Control Schemes for The Conduit

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.09.2008 6

High Voltage recently announced fan-created control schemes for their Wii-exclusive shooter, The Conduit.

Given the praise for the studio's willingness to explore different ways of using the Wii remote and nunchuck, the team's Lead Programmer, Ed Federmeyer has suggested a contest to allow players to submit their ideal schemes, and the best of the best be included as presets.

From the start of the project our primary goal has been to make the definitive first person shooter for the Wii, and specifically for core gamers. Asking core gamers for their input is just a logical extension of that rationale.

Kerry J. Ganofsky, Chief Executive Officer.

To enter, draft up a control method that takes into account the following functions using a Wii-remote and nunchuck combination, along with any gestures to trigger motion-based actions.

1. Move Forward/Back
2. Strafe Left/Right
3. Jump/Activate
4. Shoot Weapon
5. Target Lock
6. Crouch
7. Reload Weapon
8. Scope/Binocular Mode
9. Switch Between Weapons Carried
10. Switch Between Grenades Carried
11. Pause Menu
12. Swap between Weapon Carried and Weapon on Ground
13. Equip ASE (All-Seeing-Eye) / Special
14. Aim Reticule/Turn Camera
15. Melee Attack
16. Throw Grenade

Entries will need to be sent over to Feedback@High-Voltage.com, under the subject "Conduit Controller Mapping Contest". In-game credit will be given to creators as the selected winners become official options to select in game.

Contest Terms
Contest entries must be received prior to November 14, 2008. Entries using duplicate schemes will be awarded based on whichever was received first. Winners grant permission to High Voltage Software (HVS) to use his/her name for professional and promotional purposes. All entries become the property of HVS and under no conditions does HVS promise any financial or monetary compensation to those who enter.

Box art for The Conduit

High Voltage




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (30 Votes)

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Well, I just submitted an idea for a control scheme, though it'll probably never get selectedSmilie.

Awesome! Can't wait to give this a go!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Melee attack should be a jab of the nunchuck.

Why aren't more developers like this? Asking the people who they're selling the product to what they want...it only makes sense. I understand a bit of secrecy but ask our input damn it.

I've never known of this happening before. The guys at High Voltage are awesome! Asking the consumers wat they want, wat a brilliant idea. Smilie
And I heard the controlls were going to be fully customizable anyway, like ssbb.

P.S I haven'e been on C3 in a while, so i was wondering if anyone could tell me WTF is wrong with the brawl chat room. It doesn't work on any of the browsers i use.

Super Smash Bros code: 0903 4196 2445
Wii Address code: 5857 7795 0905 9367 [/img]

This is a really cool idea. I don't think I could make a control scheme that's very interesting though.

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