Nintendo Announce Mysterrious Kirby-Themed US Event

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.09.2008 8

Nintendo have announced a mysterious Kirby-themed event happening in the skies at select US locations.

Visible from September 18th, the "eye-popping occurrence" will only be available at certain Kirby-named locations across the US. "...Evidence points clearly to the reemergence of a luminous entity that citizens from all walks of life will appreciate."

- Thursday, September 18th, 2008
- Peak Viewing Hours: 8:30 a.m. � 12:30 p.m. C.D.T., 9:30 a.m. � 1:30 p.m. E.D.T.

Where: Within a one-mile radius:
- Kirby Middle School � 1328 28th Street, Birmingham, AL 35234
- Kirby Historical Mill � 275 Church Road, Medford, NJ 08055
- Kirby Park � 301 Northampton Street, Kingston, PA 18704
- Kirby Gate Shopping Center � 6548 Quince, Memphis, TN 38119

Some have suspected that this could be the launching platform for a new Kirby game on Wii, though it's most likely for the forthcoming Super Star Ultra due for release on Monday September 22nd 2008.

Box art for Kirby Super Star Ultra

HAL Laboratory




2D Platformer



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I'm hope it's a spectacular looking Kirby game for Wii, I just don't think a DS release warrants all this.

Linkyshinks said:
I'm hope it's a spectacular looking Kirby game for Wii, I just don't think a DS release warrants all this.

I think they'll announce a new Wii Kirby at a later date - the DS release (4 days later) seems like the main focus for this really.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

O:!! That would be awesome! I'd like to see this, but oh well, a game would be good.

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Wasn't there supposed to be a Kirby game in development for Wii then moved to Wii? I think Nintendo sometimes just says some things are in development when they really aren't, just to keep the fanboys quiet.

SmilieI want the original on VC damnit. I'm hoping if there is a new Wii release of Kirby that Kirby Super Star will become available for downloadSmilie

Right...since when was Kirby a million selling franchise? I guess they're trying to breathe life into it.

Might not be a million seller but it's obvious they sell, there was 2 or 3 Kirbygames on the GBA and already 2 on the DS so they wouldn't be making them if they wern't selling.

It would be nice if all this attention was for the Wii one but seems like it's more likly the DS what with the release date so close, does seem a bit over the top for a remake.

lol, I was just in Birmingham, AL. Too bad I missed it. Smilie They need a full scale wii kirby with Mario Galaxy graphics. SWEEEEET

( Edited 18.09.2008 19:44 by Ultralordsmow )

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