Animal Crossing Renamed: Let's Go to the City

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.09.2008 20

The city-based entry into the Animal Crossing series has been rated in Australia, receiving a new subtitle.

Vooks has discovered a new classification on the Australian Ratings Board, filed on September 12th 2008, revealing that the latest entry in the Animal Crossing world has been confirmed for a release down under.

Not much can be disclosed, except that the game has been given a "General" guidance rating with experiences that may vary online. Interestingly enough however, the game has a different subtitle over the announced "City Folk" - instead receiving - "Let's Go to the City".

Will Europeans receive the new or old title, perhaps something different entirely?

Box art for Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City
Also known as

Animal Crossing: City Folk









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (48 Votes)

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"Let's Go to the City"



Every game title these days has to imply a "we" doesn't it?

Either that or a "my". D:

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One of the worst freakin\' titles I\'ve ever heard!!

( Edited 12.09.2008 11:31 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Let's go to the city because it's the only change in the game Smilie

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

What a terrible sub name! lol, Lets Go to the Shitty, more like, that's where this game seems to be heading the more I hear about it. I just do not expect to be surprised by it when we all know more, sure it will have things that are new but they are not likely the things I wanted and many wanted.

I\'d be more impressed by the whole \'city\' thing if it didn\'t just look like a small square surrounded by 3 or 4 shops... Smilie

I REALLY hope there\'s more to this game that they\'re just not telling us yet. Probably not though. Smilie

Ah well. Still gonna buy it. XD

And \'City Folk\' wasn\'t a great name...this is even worse. Smilie

( Edited 12.09.2008 12:56 by Ikana )

Seriously, sometimes I despair.

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.

That's absolutely terrible. I liked the plain simple 'City Folk'.

Let's go to the city, yeah the one that is smaller and less interesting than the back water village we have just came from Smilie

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Lynk said:
Let's go to the city, yeah the one that is smaller and less interesting than the back water village we have just came from Smilie
I know right. The city's not much bigger than your house.

City Folk was a good subtitle. It's short and sweet. "Let's Go to the City" makes it sound like some educational children's show/book/DVD.

Gosh, every time someone delivers some news about this game it seems to be more annoying than anything else.

Ikana said:
I'd be more impressed by the whole 'city' thing if it didn't just look like a small square surrounded by 3 or 4 shops... Smilie

I REALLY hope there's more to this game that they're just not telling us yet. Probably not though. Smilie

Ah well. Still gonna buy it. XD

And 'City Folk' wasn't a great name...this is even worse. Smilie

Same here on all counts. Yeah, even "City Folk" sounded a little fucked up due to what you note above, it definitely looks like a feeble square and a few shops, some of which do not even have doors lol.

Something tells me this might just be the Australian name for it. It's happened before that versions of a game in different regions will have title variations, like Eledees, or Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes, or Lylat Wars.

Ikana said:
I'd be more impressed by the whole 'city' thing if it didn't just look like a small square surrounded by 3 or 4 shops... Smilie

I REALLY hope there's more to this game that they're just not telling us yet. Probably not though. Smilie

Ah well. Still gonna buy it. XD

And 'City Folk' wasn't a great name...this is even worse. Smilie

I have to say....your logic on these things really baffles me <_<

"Looks like it'll the exact same game as before, *BUYS*"

Aitrus233 said:
Something tells me this might just be the Australian name for it. It's happened before that versions of a game in different regions will have title variations, like Eledees, or Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes, or Lylat Wars.

Elebits was renamed eledees in all PAL regions, same as Lylat Wars.

They should have made the city bigger, or as you add friends to your list the city gets bigger with more houses which would be a gateway to their home/village. But it seems too late to change.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

I have to say....your logic on these things really baffles me <_<

"Looks like it'll the exact same game as before, *BUYS*"

And that's why I can proudly call myself a Nintendo fan. Smilie Smilie

Ikana said:
I have to say....your logic on these things really baffles me <_<

"Looks like it'll the exact same game as before, *BUYS*"

And that's why I can proudly call myself a Nintendo fanboy. Smilie Smilie

fix'd Smilie


Was it REALLY necessary?

knighty said:
Ikana said:
I have to say....your logic on these things really baffles me <_<

"Looks like it'll the exact same game as before, *BUYS*"

And that's why I can proudly call myself a Nintendo fanboy. Smilie Smilie

fix'd Smilie

Ah, indeed, thanks. Smilie

knighty said:
Ikana said:
I'd be more impressed by the whole 'city' thing if it didn't just look like a small square surrounded by 3 or 4 shops... Smilie

I REALLY hope there's more to this game that they're just not telling us yet. Probably not though. Smilie

Ah well. Still gonna buy it. XD

And 'City Folk' wasn't a great name...this is even worse. Smilie

I have to say....your logic on these things really baffles me <_<

"Looks like it'll the exact same game as before, *BUYS*"

Isn't that the reasoning people had for wanting Halo 2 and 3? Smilie

Assholes! I liked the name City Folk.

I mean, it doesn't make fucking sense!

'Animal Crossing Let's go to the City'. Every time you said that, people would probably look at you thinking 'What the hell is he talking about?'

It would have to be abbreviated to AC:LGTTC!

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

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