Phoenix Wright to Head to the Online World

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.09.2008 9

Offline trials are a thing of the past with Capcom confirming an online-enabled Phoenix Wright will be available in the future.

In the company's super-sized Annual report, towards the end a short snippet reveals that online versions of popular titles will be released in the future.

Taking our popular titles online.

Capcom will release the online version of its popular title such as "Monster Hunter", "Street Fighter" and "Phoenix Wright". The number of users who do not own a game console but play games on their computer is expected to increase even more in the future.

Specific games or platforms are unknown, though a version for DS or Wii would be likely.

How do you envisage attorney antics merging with the online world?

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as long as you can make your own cases, it will be entertaining

freekin interesting.. wonder how will that work !

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

I'm sure it'll be a quick one chapter thing.

Hmmm...with the computer comment, it makes it sound like this isn't a console thing - quite odd since I think the Phoenix Wright games have already been released on PC in Japan (correct me if I'm wrong).

A Wii online version could be interesting done correctly...

I'd say it would just be episodic downloadable cases. Can't really think how it would be done any other way.

Surprise us Capcom!

I WOULD like a Wii version, but yeah they have been released on PC before.

I don't see how this'll work though...

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How could you possibly have a versus mode on a point and click, linear courtroom based video game Smilie

It just couldn't work. Episodic downloadable content is far more likely.

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SuperLink said:
I WOULD like a Wii version, but yeah they have been released on PC before.

I don't see how this'll work though...

A Wii version would be awesome! The interface has PW and similar games written all over it Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Specific games or platforms are unknown, though a version for DS or Wii would be likely.

Here's hoping!

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