Rare Discusses Banjo Kazooie XBLA Legality

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.09.2008 10

With Microsoft and Rare teaming up to bring the N64 platforming epic Banjo Kazooie to the XBLA download service, the developer has commented on possible legal issues.

During E3 2008 the British developer announced plans to port the original Nintendo 64 game onto Microsoft's Xbox 360 as a downloadable title, complete with Nintendo branding.

Speaking with CVG in a recent interview, it seems that there's some uncertainty within the company as to how and why it's happened.

Where did the decision to put old Banjo Kazooie on Xbox Live come from?

Neill Harrison, Lead Artist, Rare: Don't know. To be honest, I don't know where the idea came from, whether it came from within Microsoft or within Rare. But we're quite happy about it because it just hopefully regenerates the franchise somewhat.

There are still a lot of people who want to play the old game. It is ten years old but it dates quite well, actually. If you play it, it's now in HD and actually runs at a decent frame rate [laughs] so on an HD telly it looks pretty bloody good. But where the decision came from, I'm not entirely sure.

And the new Stop 'N Swap was a hark back to the old fans. It's bit of a joke, really. If one game detects the other on your hard drive, it'll unlock some stuff.

Last time we saw it, it was still branded up with Nintendo logos and stuff. Is that still in there?

NH: In the old game, branded up as Nintendo? I don't know to be honest.

I can't really comment on the legal issues but Banjo is our IP and I think if it was in the old game, then I think we're okay to use it. But we've certainly got the legal people to go through it. They've taken out things that we're not allowed to keep. We just do what we're told [laughs]

The latest chapter in the Banjo Kazooie story sees the duo tinkering with vehicles and exploring a gorgeous new world and a refreshed visual style on the Xbox 360.

For more, be sure to check out CVG's interview with Rare.

Box art for Banjo-Kazooie





3D Platformer



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Would be great to play in HD and with a solid framerate.

I am playing the game right now in it's best visual quality on a new 60hz US N64 I got yesterday.

If they both come out on XBLA I'll probably get them. N64 controllers hurt my hand and it may be worth owning them both just for Stop 'n' Swap.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

i kinda get the feeling Mr Harrison is not really in the loop at Rare!

in fact he sounds a little clueless... no offense, obviously Smilie

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Smilie well i dont care unless they say it come to vc as well as some others

SuperLink said:
If they both come out on XBLA I'll probably get them. N64 controllers hurt my hand and it may be worth owning them both just for Stop 'n' Swap.

I'm guessing BT will eventually come out if they intend to get the "Stop N Swop" working.

In any case the original BK should be awesome to play in HD Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

How clever is he saying that the game now runs better on a console about 60 times more powerful than the one it was originally on?

Also the stop and swap thing is the same idea, but it isn't the same as the content hidden in the first Banjo game being unlocked like it was going to be in Banjo tooie so I don't see the point.

Would be pretty cool. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

It would be sweet if they ported 'Tooie, as well. So many people never got the chance to play that.

Linkyshinks said:
I am playing the game right now in it's best visual quality on a new 60hz US N64 I got yesterday.

Actually.. it looks better on PAL. Speed and frame rate is pretty much the same, and both are full screen. The PAL version just has a higher resolution. It only looks better in NTSC if you have your console RGB modded. But.. I'll let you off since you've only just bought your NTSC machine, and are pretty psyched about it.

I have large PAL and NTSC N64 collections now, and my advice to you is this:

Games not to bother getting on NTSC:

- All Rare games. All of them are better in PAL.

Games to get in NTSC:

- Most other games.


The Stop N Swap feature will be emulated. Instead of needing Banjo Tooie, Banjo Bazooie will beed Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts to be present on the system for the extra levels and items on the original to be available.

Yeah I know. It'd still be cool for 'Tooie to make it on to XBLA, regardless. It's an awesome game. It's more risqu� then the first game, though ultimately probably not quite as good. Of course, being "not quite as good" as one of the best games ever made makes 'Tooie still a very awesome game in it's own right. Some characters in 'Threeie originated from 'Tooie, and you know there'll be lots of references to the second game as well as to the first, so it'll make sense to play 'Tooie before the new one.

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