Square-Enix Confirm TGS2008 Lineup

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.09.2008 19

RPG giant Square-Enix have taken the lid off their playable and trailer line-up for the Tokyo Games Show this year.

From the latest Dragon Quest to trotting about with the adorable Chocobo, there seems to be a fair bit of meat for DS owners to dig their teeth into, alongside a very minimal Wii showing.

Titles Available for Wii/DS
Chocobo and the Magic Picture Book Winter 2008, Trailer, Demo
Chrono Trigger, 11/27/08, Trailer
Dragon Quest IX, 2008 Release, Trailer
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon DS+, 10/30/08, Trailer, Demo
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Winter 2008, Trailer, Demo
Valkyrie Profile, 10/30/08, Trailer, Demo

Those who also need their S-E fix on Microsoft's Xbox 360 or Sony's PlayStation 3 can watch or play the following:

Final Fantasy Agito XIII, TBA, Trailer
Final Fantasy Versus XIII, TBA, Trailer
Final Fantasy XIII, 2009 Release, Trailer
DISSIDIA Final Fantasy, 12/18/08, Trailer, Demo
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 2009 Release, Trailer, Demo
Kingdom Hearts Coded, Winter 2008, Trailer
Infinite Undiscovery 9/11/08, Trailer
Star Ocean 4, Spring 2009, Undecided
The 3rd Birthday, TBA, Trailer
The Last Remnant, 11/20/08, Undecided
Valkyrie Profile, 10/30/08, Trailer, Demo

For more information, be sure to check out the company's official TGS page.

Thanks to Kotaku.

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Where is crystal bearers

Still not there.

I expect FFVII or KHIII could be revealed there.

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fenixazul said:
Where is crystal bearers

So true, where is it!!
We haven't seen anything in bloody ages! Looked good back then, wonder where it's at now.

SuperLink said:
Still not there.

I expect FFVII or KHIII could be revealed there.

Aye, something along those lines seems pretty likely.

Guessing FFVII remake for PS3 will be announced sometime, would lurrve it to be for Wii Smilie

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jb said:
Aye, something along those lines seems pretty likely.

Guessing FFVII remake for PS3 will be announced sometime, would lurrve it to be for Wii Smilie

I expect them to both be PS3 exclusive. Smilie The annoying thing is it would make my urge for a PS3 grow, and I really don't think I have the money for EVERY console this gen. Smilie I guess I can't go through any gen without wishing I had the other console's exclusives...


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jb said:
Guessing FFVII remake for PS3 will be announced sometime, would lurrve it to be for Wii Smilie

Agreeed, but funny thing is, I've just started playing PSOne FF7 again for the umpteenth time, and now that urge for a remake has receded somewhat. Smilie

Also: Fuck yes, KH3 announcement soon please. Wii version would be preferable. Smilie

Remakes = meh.

Give me new games! I especialy like the non-FF stuff they have done recently, lets have more of that Smilie

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I dunno a full blown FFVII remake would need quite a bit of resources wouldn't it? and by the looks of it there pretty busy with whoring out FFXIII, if they did announce it my guess it would be just a PSN release( maybe updated a little) or a PSP/DS remake.

Sqaure Enix recently said that most of the original FF7 team are working on FF13 and that, even though they have an idea of how to go about remaking FF7, work on FF13 would need to be completed first.

I\'m starting to worry about Square\'s Wii support. Crystal Bearers isn\'t even being mentioned anymore and as far as I\'m aware, there\'s no other big Wii game coming from them in the near future.

Hopefully Kingdom Hearts 3 is announced for Wii. Smilie

( Edited 08.09.2008 19:34 by iFrit yoyo )

FFVII is not going to be touched. People have been hyping themselves up for a remake for years now. Don't see what makes it any more likely this year.

A few weeks ago, I'd have backed KH3 on Wii, but certain sources seem to favour it on PS3. Perhaps Wii will get spin-off...

To support an FFVII remake:

- Many FFVII spin offs in recent years
- Crisis Core says "To be continued in Final Fantasy VII" half implying a remake since Crisis Core is MILES ahead of FFVII tech wise.
- ^The above^ being the case is kinda weird.
- I-VI have been remade.
- Many people have said they would get a PS3 for an FFVII remake. It would tempt me aswell, it would sell the PS3.
- A remake would be a good way to raise awareness of the sequels and prequels by including little references and tidbits. (Maybe even giving characters like Genesis and Cissnei cameo roles)
- Fans went crazy for the tech demo

There are more reasons but yeah. Also, Sony lost FFXIII, don't you think they'd expect a big game in return from Square? As much as I'd love it on PSP, 1 it might not fit on the UMD, and 2 PS3 is more likely.

As for KHIII, that would also sell the PS3, and going by KH's history it's likely. I wouldn't doubt a spin off on Wii though.

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Hey a FF Versus trailer, this TGS is shaping up nicely. Let's hope that the trailer shown for FFXIII has more content than the e3 one, which was dissapointing

SuperLink said:
TVII" half implying a remake since Crisis Core is MILES ahead of FFVII tech wi

Why would that matter?


Why would Squenix care about selling PS3? They've already moved FF13 over. Seeing the way exclusives have had so little impact for most of the west on PS3 and 360, and only causing momentary spikes in sales in Japan, then Sony might not bother. MS is already of the attitude that exclusives don't matter (they do - it's just everybody who wants the exclusives on 360 and PS3 most likely already has one, and with the Wii selling so much all the Wii semi-exclusives in specialised ports and Wii specific versions like Overlord and PES 08 and "full" exclusives are dwarfing competitors, while MS and Sony turn a blind eye), that attitude could very well end up extending to Sony and Squenix. Especially as they want to make the most money out of what would inevitably be expensive development.

Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest IX
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

DS heaven. Man I am loving the Square-Enix attention. Here's hoping they do the same for the Wii next year.

It begs belief Crystal Bearers is not even on that list, and it shows you how much Square Enix care about Wii.

I heard last weeek on G4 that KHIII will be a PS3 exclusive... That bums me the hell out... I really hope that's not true, like how FFXIII was supposed to be a PS3 exclusive but now is heading to the 360.

crystal bearers now SE come on u cant show use a teaser and nothing more

maybe they working out how to best do the game i can only hope

S-E said they would support the PS3 enough to stop it from being an overwhelming loser of the gen, but they said they'd support other consoles to make sure PS3 doesn't win by far.

I wouldn't be surprised if they gave PS3 a big game, it's not doing too brilliantly.

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The sources that favor KHIII on the PS3 was in the rumor section of a Playstation magazine. Furthermore the Kingdom Hearts team is working on Final Fantasy XIII versus. Development on KHIII will not take place until after that game is finished. This makes every platform a viable option, The Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, DS, and the PSP.
Square Enix has shown that they have no allegiance to the PS3.


If you look at the history of Kingdom Hearts you will see that their are indeed spinoffs. But the Spinoffs usually are for consoles that have a high userbase. Chain of memories was developed for the GBA for this reason and this is why Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 and Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep are being developed for the DS and PSP.

The Wii has a userbase of over 30 million users worldwide. If Square Enix chooses not to develop Kingdom Hearts for the Wii or a Spinoff then that's them saying no to money.

patjuan32 said:

The sources that favor KHIII on the PS3 was in the rumor section of a Playstation magazine. Furthermore the Kingdom Hearts team is working on Final Fantasy XIII versus. Development on KHIII will not take place until after that game is finished. This makes every platform a viable option, The Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, DS, and the PSP.
Square Enix has shown that they have no allegiance to the PS3.

On the other hand they said they would push PS3 support if it was losing too much, and maybe it is. I'm still convinced Sony lsot XIII exclusitivity due to having another huge S-E exclusive in it's place.

If you look at the history of Kingdom Hearts you will see that their are indeed spinoffs. But the Spinoffs usually are for consoles that have a high userbase. Chain of memories was developed for the GBA for this reason and this is why Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 and Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep are being developed for the DS and PSP.

The Wii has a userbase of over 30 million users worldwide. If Square Enix chooses not to develop Kingdom Hearts for the Wii or a Spinoff then that's them saying no to money.

I know what you're saying, ad I'm definitely not saying a Wii spin off it out of the question, because there probably will be one, but I think spin offs are more likely to continue on the handheld consoles, that seems to be the trend.

And if there IS a Wii spin off, we won't see it, or any opporunity for it anytime soon. Unless the game is based on Riku or something there are no holes in the story left to fill, and who knows, Riku's story may be cleared up in the DS game anyway. So chances are we'll need KHIII to be out before any more holes are opened up. Smilie

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