Region Free GameCube Boots up on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.09.2008 9

Clever software folk have brewed up a way of booting legal GameCube discs, region free, on Wii.

Instead of dabbling with freeloaders and chipping the Wii console, players can now load any retail GameCube game (not pirated/DVD backup) from the Wii menu. Currently the Wii's GameCube engine is locked to wherever the console was purchased.

Using the software is simple, according to Wiibrew:

Just copy the GCBooter folder into your /apps/ folder on your card and run it via the homebrew channel. Insert your GameCube disc and press A on the GameCube controller a few times.

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( Edited 07.12.2012 16:21 by Guest )

That's pretty sweet.

( Edited 07.12.2012 16:21 by Guest )

Defo gonna try this out sometime, there's a few Jap games like Naruto I defo wanna try out!

( Edited 07.12.2012 16:21 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Just tried it, works fine except if your using a RGB cable everything goes red, seems to be common with first release homebrew wiistuff.

Edit:Never mind if you change your wii settings to 50htz it will load it up in colour.

( Edited 02.09.2008 17:20 by James2t3 )

Cool, but I won't be downloading the channel to do this.

ohh if this is easy im gonna get battle stadium DON (draagon ball one piece naruto in a smash bros esq game)

Our member of the week

@Echoes : They say this game is not so good. beware.

That's cool stuff, gonna try it out, it was boring always havng to replug my gamecube to run my Baten Kaitos origins with a freeloader which was not read by my Wii.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

What if you don't have the homebrew channel/not sure how to get it or use it?

Can brawl anytime now.....if you want an easy win
BOMBERMAN code: 2879 2176 8600, or just find me in a random match I think it might be time for Newspapers to look over their sponsorship contracts...

Awesome, I already have the homebrew channel to run my imported Brawl and One Piece. Smilie I\'d love to play my Jap Cube games through the Wii, I\'ll definitely be giving this a go soon. Smilie

ohh if this is easy im gonna get battle stadium DON (draagon ball one piece naruto in a smash bros esq game)

I have that, and I like it a lot. It isn\'t brilliant though, controls feel a bit clunky and unlocking things is annoyingly done by pure chance. And the DBZ characters feel a bit overpowered compared to the others. Though that might only annoy me as I\'ve never seen DBZ, I got it for the One Piece/Naruto stuff. :p It\'s still a fun game though, and great if you like cross-over stuff. Smilie

EDIT: Playing Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 on my Wii now. Smilie Works fine. Smilie
EDIT2: it doesn\'t. I just get an error message when I reach the main menu screen. Smilie I\'ll try a different game...
EDIT3: Battle Stadium DON seems to work fine. Smilie

( Edited 02.09.2008 13:10 by Ikana )

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