New Avalon Code Trailer

By Shane Jury 30.08.2008 4

A new trailer for Avalon Code, an RPG from the minds behind Final Fantasy IV DS, has been revealed.

In Avalon Code, you play as either Yumil and Tia, a young boy/girl duo born in a world that's on the verge of destruction. One day, waking up from a dream in which the world ends, your character finds a special book at their side. The book leads your character on an adventure to explore the world, noting down all the elements that should be carried over when the world is reborn following its destruction, and rewriting all the elements that should be changed.

The game's developer is Matrix, of whom previously worked on the DS remake of Final Fantasy IV. The game is being directed by two Matrix staffers, Keizo Kato and Takahiro Matsumoto.

Avalon Code will be released in Japan later this year. No overseas release has yet been specified.

Box art for Avalon Code



Rising Star


Real Time RPG



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Something about that concept sounds a bit...err..wrong.

So rather then save the world, you instead are making notes as to what to fix/change in the new world?
Are you going to be a dictator or something? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Guest 30.08.2008#2

No, the benevolent king of course...

I couldn't watch this video with sound turned on.

Visually very impressive. Hope it does get released to the West.

It has grat art style. And I like the effort into graphics. moving hairs and cloaks in the wind... not bad!
crafting in the book looks great, too. I hope for a release in the west, too.

Shame it's on DS and not on Wii. It get's overlooked within all the rubbish selling at the moment on DS here in the west.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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