Renegade Kid's Moon Site Opens, Wii game Teaser

By Shane Jury 29.08.2008 7

The Website for the upcoming FPS DS title Moon has opened, and Developer Renegade Kid offer the first Hint for their Wii title currently in development.

The image that Renegade Kid released for their Wii title;

Image for Renegade Kid

According to IGN, the publisher for the title will be Gamecock, the same company that published Dementium: The Ward.

The identity of the game has been hinted at;

Based on one of the biggest horror icons of all time, the game's name, plot or what systems it will be available for have yet to be revealed.

Some have speculated that the Moon and the Bats in the image refer to a German Expressionist Film called Nosferatu, which was shot in 1921 and was by all accounts the adaptation of Dracula, just without the License itself.

For their DS title Moon, Renegade Kid have opened, where fans can read details on the weapons and environment settings, and look at Videos and Screenshots.

Thanks to Linkyshinks for the tip.

Box art for Moon

Renegade Kid




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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It's looking great, can't wait to hear more on it and it will hopefully be a decent FPS for the DS.

I really starting to love Renegade Kids work after playing some of Dementium The Ward. It's definitely one of the best games I've played on the DS. I Can't wait for its European release.

Can't wait to see more on their Wii game too.

Gotta be Dracula-based...


That's my guess.Smilie

It's obviously vampire based there are even bats in the moon.

Guest 30.08.2008#5

Stulaw said:
It's obviously vampire based there are even bats in the moon.

Obviously it's "Batman: Revenge of the Moon". Which will be awesome.

He even has the cape, surely a dead give away...

Looking forward to see what they come up with. Moon looks great. Smilie

Maybe the game will actually be called renegade kid.

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