Wii Breaks Million Barrier in Canada

By Shane Jury 26.08.2008 5

Nintendo's little white box has zoomed past its competitors to become the first Next-Gen system to sell over a million in Canada.

According to the myTELUS news site, in July, Wii had reached just under 1,060,000 units sold in Canada, according to recently released figures by the NPD Group, which tracks the gaming industry.

In comparison, Microsoft's XBox 360, released a year before the Wii, had reached just over 870,000 units in the same month whilst Sony's PlayStation 3 was just over 520,000.

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Anyone have access to the total Wii sales for Mexico? I'm still waiting for Nintendo to release updated LTD sales over here...

This is very interesting news. I thought this would have happened slightly sooner, though.

D_prOdigy said:
This is very interesting news. I thought this would have happened slightly sooner, though.

Canada has a pretty small population, probably half that of Britain, so it's not bad at all.

What? Really? Isn't Canada that country right beside the US? Damn I would have thought it would be just as huge. Apparently not...well then again what the fuck do I know about Canada or the US? Smilie

tiamat1990 said:
What? Really? Isn't Canada that country right beside the US? Damn I would have thought it would be just as huge. Apparently not...well then again what the fuck do I know about Canada or the US? Smilie

Yeh, Canada is the second largest country after Russia, but hardly anyone lives there (probably because it's so bloody cold).

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